Tubal Ligation Reversal

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Patient Reviews

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center patients often post testimonials and satisfaction messages on the Tubal Reversal website, here are some of the most recent ones:

Reversing Tubes: Better Than IVF – Testimonial #1433   December 17th, 2012
“Best choice and a lifetime of thankfulness for Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center and giving us this chance to truly be happy and complete” Crystal S., Cleveland, Ohio
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
Our First Berger Baby – Testimonial #1432   December 17th, 2012
“We are extremely excited to announce the birth of our first Berger baby! Welcome Declan Douglas! Only 14 1/2 months after having TR!” Amy and Doug L., Springfield, Illinois.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
Reversing A Burned Tubal Ligation – Testimonial #1431   December 16th, 2012
“Thank you so much Dr. Monteith and staff. Our dreams came true with the birth of our daughter Ella. We will never forget the journey and experiences at CHTRC.” Spencer and Nicole S., Claremore, Oklahoma.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
3 Babies After Tubes Untied – Testimonial #1430   December 16th, 2012
“I want to thank Dr. Berger again. I have had three babies since my TR and I’m so grateful to you and your staff at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for making my journey to get my tubes untied a joyful time in my life.” Lacrecia A., Tolleson, Arizona.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
More Proof Burned Tubes Can Be Reversed – Review #1391   December 19th, 2012
“I did an HPT this morning and it is positive, this is our first month actively TTC.” Geri K., Broomfield, Colorado.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
A Miracle at 40 – Review #1390   December 19th, 2012
“I am 40 years old (will be 41 in a few weeks). To us, this is a miracle from God and an answer to prayers. Thank you Dr. Berger” Rebecca M., Cookeville, Tennessee.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
Pregnant With One Fallopian Tube – Review #1389   December 18th, 2012
“I’m So Very Happy and Blessed to be looking at a POSITIVE pregnancy test. Words can not possible begin to express the Appreciation and Thanks that I have for Dr. Berger and the Wonderful staff that he has at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.” LaQuenda W., Tyler, Texas.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »
Happy To Be Pregnant After Tubal Reversal – Review #1388   December 18th, 2012
“I am so happy. After two years of waiting I’m finally pregnant.” Maritza N., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Read the rest of this message and comment on it. »

+Dr. Gary S. Berger 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Personal stories about tubal ligation side effects and PTLS

Readers are encouraged to listen to this archived internet blog radio show about PTLS. The host of the show is Roxanne Pugh of Real Life Decoded. Her guest for this segment are tubal reversal specialist, Dr. Charles Monteith, and two patients who have had symptoms after their tubal ligation surgeries.

The show is archived and is entitled: PTLS With Dr. Charles Monteith, MD . By following this link you can hear the previously recorded show. The show begins about 1 to 2 minutes after clicking on the link and listening to a brief jazz introduction.

Source: http://www.tubal-reversal.net/blog/2012/tubal-ligation-reversal/symptoms-after-tubal-ligation-personal-stories.html

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is Tubal Reversal Safe?

Tubal reversal is major surgery because it involves general anesthesia and an abdominal incision; however, tubal reversal is very safe surgery and is much safer when performed at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center than when compared to other major gynecology procedures as performed in hospitals.

Although many doctors believe tubal reversal requires an overnight hospital stay, reversing tubes does not require an overnight stay, can safely be done out-patient, and is more affordable when done as out-patient surgery without an overnight hospital stay.

This article posted by a patient of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center titled When the SPD Manager Becomes the Patient discusses the issue of patient safety and the risk of infection.

Many health care professionals mistakenly believe tubal reversal surgery must be done in a hospital operating room and requires overnight hospital stay. Rather, the opposite is true. Tubal reversal does not have to be done in a hospital operating room and it does not require overnight stay.

Tubal reversal should be done in a safe hospital-like setting, but it does not need to be done in a hospital.
In fact, if you want your tubal reversal surgery to be really expensive then request your tubal reversal be done in a hospital operating room and request to stay overnight and you will pay in excess of $15,000! While you are at it you might as well stay several additional nights to add more cost to the entire package. While in the hospital, you may be exposed unnecessarily to a variety of hospital-acquired infections.

When you come to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for your tubal reversal, you will be under the care of a highly trained and respected specialist who is recognized for the improvements he has brought to the field of tubal reversal surgery over 3 decades.

Dr. Berger developed the outpatient technique for tubal ligation reversal. He has performed more than 10,000 of these procedures and has acquired the greatest experience with this operation of any reproductive surgeon worldwide.

Dr. Berger's techniques optimize the outcome and reduce recovery time and cost of tubal reversal surgery. His staff maintains an electronic patient database that provides accurate and up to date statistics about pregnancy rates after tubal reversal for his patients.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reversal Patients Share Concerns And Support

The Message Board on the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website is where tubal reversal patients can discuss their concerns and support each other. Often couples begin to stress if they do not become pregnant in the first few months after surgery. Sharing their stories via the message board helps.

The message board is helps people to gather information about having tubes untied at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. When you choose Dr. Berger or Dr. Monteith as your tubal reversal doctor, you will have support before, during, and after surgery. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has a nurse available 7 days a week to answer questions and provide information about the entire process. Their goal is to provide patients with all of the tools you will need on your tubal reversal journey.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center offers a free message board where women can sign-up and speak with other women going through similar situations. The Tubal Reversal Message Board offers patients, from all over the country and the world, the ability to speak to each other about all types of tubal reversal situations. The Tubal Reversal Message Board on the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website is one of the biggest support aides for reversal patients.  here are a few example posts from the Tubal Reversal Message Board

Support After Reversing Tubes
A Tubal Reversal Message Board member writes, "I am 3 months pregnant. My husband and I are extremely grateful to God and Dr. Monteith. The baby is doing great and our doctor says the nausea should ease up soon. Every month of morning sickness will be nothing when we are holding our baby in our arms. Just wondering if any of my TR sisters have some tips or words of wisdom to curve my morning sickness?"

Personalized Care At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center
If you want to have your tubes untied in an outpatient setting with the best care and most specialized tubal reversal surgeons, Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is the place to go. A previous patient and Tubal Reversal Message Board member 'shawnalea' writes, "I just wanted to express my complete satisfaction with CHTRC. The whole experience couldn't have been better. I had my surgery one week ago today and feel pretty much back to myself."

 Free Tubal Reversal Surgery Consultation
Paula, a member of the Tubal Reversal Message Board, put in a request to have her tubal ligation records sent to Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith to determine whether, at age 39, she is a candidate to have her tubes untied. At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, women who are interested in reversing their tubal ligations can have records reviewed free of charge. There are also Tubal Reversal Nurses available 7 days a week to answer questions of assist with scheduling reverse tubal surgery. Although Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith do not require tubal ligation records to perform surgery, it is helpful to have the information so the Reversal Surgeons can provide more information regarding possible tubal reversal outcomes. Approximately 75% of the women who come to Chapel Hill to have their tubes untied will become pregnant following surgery. A study conducted by Dr. Berger clearly showed that tubal ligation reversal surgery - even for women age 39 or 40 - is a better option than IVF for pregnancy after a previous tubal ligation, with higher pregnancy rates and lower cost.

Source: Tubal Reversal Message Board provided by Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Semen analysis and male factor infertility

Are you and your partner trying to conceive but having no luck? One important factor is the presence or absence of male factor infertility. One-third of infertility cases can be attributed to male problems.

A simple semen analysis will help evaluate for male factor problems related to semen production and we do recommend men consider this test especially if they have not previously fathered children.

A standard semen analysis evaluates these key areas:

Semen volume
Sperm concentration
Sperm motility
Sperm morphology

Semen volume

Normal amount of semen produced is between 2 to 5 milliliters (equivalent of a teaspoon). Low volumes of semen can suggest either a poor semen collection technique or an obstruction somewhere in the male reproductive tract.

Sperm Concentration

Sperm are generally produced in large numbers. normal concentration of sperm should have sperm over 20 million sperm per milliliter of fluid (one milliliter equals 1/5th of a teaspoon).

Normal semen samples can range from 20-200 million sperm per milliliter.

If sperm counts are very low this can suggest a condition called oligospermia (low sperm count) and if no sperm are seen this could suggest azospermia (absent sperm).

Sperm motility

Sperm are also examined for their motility (movement) Their movements are classified as rapid progressive, slow progressive, non-progressive, and non-motile. The better sperm should be those with rapid forward progressive movement. A normal semen analysis will have sperm where more than 50% have movement and 25% should have rapid progressive motility.

Sperm morphology

Sperm morphology (shape) is an important indicator of sperm fertility. Sperm are examined for shape, length, width, etc. At least 10-15% of sperm should have normal shape. There are many different abnormal shapes, which can suggest problems with sperm maturation (growth and development).
What Is A Normal Semen Analysis?


A normal semen analysis is a semen sample between 2-5 milliliters in volume, in which, at least 20 million sperm per milliliter exists, with 25% of the entire population of sperm having rapid progressive movement and 10% of sperm having normal shape. Men with semen analysis less than these amounts could have male factor infertility. Most men will have normal semen analysis.

Source: http://www.tubal-reversal.net/blog/2012/dr-berger/tubal-reversal-tests-sperm-tests-explained.html
A blog by Dr. Monteith and the staff of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Today...my life will change

Today I am having a Tubal Ligation Reversal

Ok, ladies....just wanted to update before I jump out of bed and start my pre surgery stuff!! Met with about 4 or so different people yesterday and to be completely honest....this practice is absolutely amazing. I feel so excited and I feel like I'm in very good hands. Dr. Berger is a soft spoken kind of man (which helped calm me down yesterday) but also just went out of his way to listen to me and he already offered to contact my OB in Jacksonville and bring him up to date after my surgery, and to tell him about the early pregnancy protocol that I should do when I get a positive test. (i.e. betas drawn every 2 days, and u/s when they hit 1500-2000!) just made me so happy to know he would do this to Save me time when I get home and hopefully avoid some confrontations if my OB doesn't know how to handle a TR patient!

Anyways, he also gave me great info on ptls and showed me a study he is working on about that...I know I'm rambling but I just feel so happy that I like this place!! Lol

Anyways, I'll be on the other side before lunch, Lord willing!!!! Thank you ladies for all your support! It's been a looooong 3years!!! Glad to close this chapter of my life and hopefully move on!!!

After Reversal

Thx ladies! I'm exhausted! But in absolutely NO pain! And no bloating as of yet either! I have had the best experience here at chapel hill! I ended up with 5.5 centimeters on my right and 5 on my left! He said that is plenty of tube left to conceive. He also said that the OB who tied my tubes did a great job and a very clean and precise job! No damage to my tubes... just a cut and a suture. He didn't have to take much to reconnect them!

I can believe I'm on the other side now! Dr. Berger left my room saying, I'm just going to wait for your call to tell me you are pregnant!

Ladies, I'm extremely tired but I couldn't be more humbled and grateful to my Lord for giving me this opportunity and as well for using Dr. Berger to correct my mistake!!

Source: http://community.babycenter.com/post/a37502791/today...my_life_will_change

More information on Dr. Berger and Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reversión Essure y Adiana: Reporte de estado

Dr. Berger Cirujanos Reproductores.
Gary S. Berger, M.D.
Director Médico
Essure y Adiana se conocen como procedimientos de esterilización trascervical histeroscópica porque se realizan con un histeroscopio (una pequeña cámara) que se pasa a través del canal cervical dentro de la cavidad uterina.

Durante el procedimiento de Essure se coloca un pequeño DIU de metal en cada trompa y durante el procedimiento de Adiana se coloca una pequeña matriz de silicona en cada una de ellas. La esterilización Adiana incluye un paso adicional mediante el cual se aplica energía en forma de microondas al interior de las trompas y esta energía contribuye a bloquearlas.

Los procedimientos de esterilización histeroscópica provocan que las trompas de falopio cicatricen formando un tejido cicatricial que crea una obstrucción en el interior de las trompas. El DIU Essure y la inserción Adiana tienen como objetivo permanecer en las trompas de falopio cerradas luego que el tejido cicatrizal se haya formado.

Estos procedimientos se consideran permanentes por los doctores y los productores de los estos implementos, pero pueden ser revertidos quirúrgicamente en Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.

Reversiones de Essure y Adiana

El Dr. Charles Monteith y el Dr. Gary Berger, cirujanos expertos en reversión de trompas en el Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, publicaron los primeros informes de reversiones exitosas y de embarazos luego de hacer la reversión de los procedimientos Adiana y Essure en publicaciones de literatura médica.1-2 Essure y Adiana pueden ser revertidos en el Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center mediante una operación ambulatoria de 90 minutos, llamada implantación tubouterina.

La implantación tubouterina ha sido el patrón oro para la reversión de la oclusión de trompas (ístmica) por otras vías. Hemos desarrollado nuevas técnicas para el procedimiento tubouterino, más allá de lo tradicional, al crear técnicas especiales que permiten que este sea un procedimiento que se pueda realizar con seguridad para las pacientes y de forma ambulatoria.

Durante el procedimiento, las partes sanas de las trompas se separan del útero. El DIU metálico Essure se retira para prevenir posibles complicaciones para futuros embarazos. Las inserciones Adiana son extremadamente pequeñas y puede que no se puedan extraer en su totalidad pero a diferencia de Essure, no se extienden a la cavidad uterina.

Entonces se hace una incisión a través del músculo uterino y la porción sana de cada trompa se inserta en la cavidad uterina. Luego se cierra la incisión uterina alrededor de las trompas implantadas. El procedimiento de implantación tubouterina es necesario para hacer un puente con la porción cicatrizada de las trompas de falopio resultantes de los procedimientos Essure y Adiana.

El embarazo después de las reversiones de Essure y Adiana

Hicimos 23 cirugías de reversión de esterilización histeroscópica (Essure y Adiana) entre enero de 2009 y diciembre de 2010.

De estas 23 mujeres, 19 deseaban quedar embarazadas y sólo 4 deseaban la reversión de Essure y no intentaban quedarse embarazadas. De las 19 mujeres que deseaban quedarse embarazadas, hasta ahora 5 reportaron embarazo y 3 reportaron nacimientos. Durante este mismo período, la tasa de embarazo luego de la reversión de la esterilización histeroscópica era del 26% y la de nacimientos del 16%.

Durante el 2011 se practicaron 19 reversiones de esterilizaciones histeroscópicas. De estas 19 mujeres, 18 deseaban quedar embarazadas y sólo una deseaba nada más la reversión de Essure.

De estas 18 mujeres de 2011, hasta ahora 3 han reportado embarazos y todos están en proceso (aún no han dado a luz). El seguimiento del 2011 no está completo aún pero la tasa de embarazo del 2011 para la reversión de la esterilización histeroscópica es hasta ahora del 17%.

En comparación, el éxito de un ciclo sencillo de fertilización in vitro utilizando óvulos frescos es de aproximadamente el 36% para cada ciclo de fertilización in vitro.3

Reversión de esterilización histeroscópica o REH?

La fertilización in vitro puede ofrecer una tasa de éxito de embarazo más alta si se compara con la reversión de la esterilización histeroscópica; sin embargo, cuando se compara el éxito de la fertilización in vitro con el éxito de la reversión de esterilización histeroscópica los lectores deben comprender que:

Las pacientes de la fertilización in vitro como grupo tienen razones diferentes para su infertilidad con relación a las pacientes de oclusión de trompas

Los datos de la fertilización in vitro no incluyen los abortos

La edad de nuestras pacientes oscila entre los 26 y los 44 años

Con un tiempo adicional el embarazo a través de la reversión de la esterilización pudiera ser más alto a medida en que más pacientes queden embarazadas

Para una mayor comprensión de lo que la tasa promedio de éxito de la fertilización in vitro significa visite el artículo complementario: Essure Reversal Or In Vitro Fertilization?

No se ha determinado aún si los implementos de Essure deberían retirarse antes de la fertilización in vitro para incrementar la posibilidad de éxito y minimizar los riesgos de complicaciones en el embarazo. Existen muchos informes de casos de fertilizaciones in vitro que han sido exitosas con DIU Essure que no han sido retirados.4,5

Costo de las reversiones de Essure y Adiana

El costo de ambas es de $7500. Esta tarifa incluye todo y cubre las consultas pre-operatorias, cirugía, anestesia, y la recuperación postoperatoria. En comparación el costo promedio del ciclo de fertilización in vitro en los Estados Unidos es de $12,000.

La mayoría de los seguros no cubren el costo de la fertilización in vitro o la reversión de la esterilización. Nosotros ofrecemos una opción de prepago que da la posibilidad a las pacientes de no tener que pagar toda la cirugía a la misma vez. Nosotros no participamos en la financiación de las cirugías de reversión debido a los costos adicionales de las mismas.

Efectos secundarios de Essure y su extracción

Algunas mujeres experimentan efectos secundarios después de haberse colocado un DIU Essure y desean extraerlo.

Entre enero de 2009 y enero de 2012, hemos realizado 5 extracciones de Essure en mujeres que manifestaban sufrir efectos secundarios luego del procedimiento Essure.

Cuatro de estas pacientes han reportado mejoras en sus síntomas luego de que se les extrajera el dispositivo Essure.

Nosotros les ofertamos una tarifa reducida a las mujeres que solo desean que se les retire el dispositivo Essure sin desear futuros embarazos. Si sólo estás interesada en que se retire el Essure llama al (919) 968-4656 para que preguntes sobre la extracción del dispositivo Essure.

Seguridad de la reversión de Essure y Adiana

La implantación tubouterina puede llevarse a cabo de manera segura como un procedimiento ambulatorio pero puede incrementar el riesgo de ruptura uterina durante la operación.

En las 42 reversiones de esterilización histeroscópica y 5 reversiones de Essure que hemos realizado, no ha ocurrido ninguna complicación inmediata y ninguna paciente ha presentado ruptura uterina.

Para mayor seguridad para la madre y el bebé, aconsejamos a nuestras pacientes de reversión de Essure y Adiana luego de las implantaciones tubouterinas que hagan un parto por cesárea en todos sus embarazos para evitar el riesgo de una posible ruptura uterina.

Source: http://espanol.tubal-reversal.net/reversion-de-essure-y-adiana.htm

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report

A new study has just been published by Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. This report presents detailed statistics about pregnancies, both numbers and percentages, from approximately 10,000 patients at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. It is the largest and most definitive study ever reported about pregnancies and their outcomes after tubal reversal surgery.

This report comes in the following sections:

These results from the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study show that tubal ligation reversal at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is the most successful option for most women with tied tubes who want to become pregnant again.

More Information on this reprt can be seen at

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The journey toward restoring fertility after a previous tubal ligation can be exciting and sometimes lengthy one - for many couples

Doing research on the best tubal reversal doctors and
the best place for untying tubes can be confusing. 

Joy, who had reverse tubal ligation surgery at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, shares the best part of the her journey with other women on the Tubal Reversal Message Board.   

The best part of this journey for me has been looking back and see how this has all unfolded from the time I made the decision to want my tubes reversed to the time my husband and I made our first payment to just only a week ago when we had our tubal reversal surgery, states Joy.  It still is so surreal to me that I am on the other side and I now have options. The staff at CHTRC has all been nothing short of AMAZING. It’s a journey that I know will continue and my husband and I are beyond thrilled to know I may be able to give my husband his first child. I’ve embraced every moment and will continue to be so thankful for the opportunity Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith have given me and my hubby.

This is topic Best part of TR Surgery in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Posted by Julia S, RN (Member # 10) on August 01, 2012 09:20 AM:
I am just wondering -- what has been the best part of your tubal reversal journey so far?

Julia S, RN

Posted by KristaD (Member # 16364) on August 01, 2012 10:21 AM:
The anticipation...My DH doesn't have biological children of his own and I have 3. We are so excited to FINALLY be here and I love the look on his face when he talks about it...like a little boy on Christmas. It is just so sweet. Im married to a big bad fireman and figured he would like a little boy to pass on his name. But no, he actually prays for a little girl to bless us! Obviously though, would be happy with either. This is our first month TTC and we are praying. I can't wait to make this amazing husband of mine a daddy.
Posted by joyjoy (Member # 15876) on August 01, 2012 11:18 AM:
i think the best part of this journey for me has been being able to look back and see how this has all unfolded from the time i made the decision to want my tubes reversed to the time my husband and i made our first payment to just only a week ago when we had our tr surgery. it still is so surreal to me that i am on the other side and i now have options. Of course the staff at CHTRC have all been nothing short of AMAZING. Its a journey that i know will continue and my husband and i are beyond thrilled to know i may be able to give my husband his first child. (As i have 2 of my own). Ive embraced every moment and will continue to be so thankful for this opportunity CHTRC has given me and my hubby. Thank you all again 
Posted by Ladybug3 (Member # 15565) on August 01, 2012 03:03 PM:
The best part for me is simply having hope again!
Posted by Coll10 (Member # 15826) on August 01, 2012 03:12 PM:
Getting our Bfp 3 months after ttc! And I am 25 weeks pregnant with a precious baby girl! A baby we never thought we'd have! So thankful for Chapel Hill!
Posted by Msilva (Member # 15922) on August 01, 2012 03:20 PM:
After six yrs of considering TR! Our spontaneous decision to have TR on October 2011... Blood work, flights n surgery date was set w/in a week... 6.5 months later I got my BFP!! I'm currently 10 weeks n due Feb 2013.

Thank u, Dr. Berger n staff 
Posted by danelle rich (Member # 16421) on August 01, 2012 04:43 PM:
Posted by TR Moderator (Member # 5545) on August 01, 2012 11:00 PM:
Thanks to each of you for sharing this!
Posted by Crystal L, ST (Member # 15762) on August 02, 2012 07:50 AM:
What amazing journeys! Congratulations to you all for making it to the other side! Keep us posted on all progress. We truly do love hearing from everyone.

Crystal L., ST
Posted by WaitingonYah (Member # 16281) on August 02, 2012 11:29 AM:
I'm so happy we chose CHTRC the whole experince was wonderful and after our journey we are now 19 weeks pregnancy I have told some many women about you. You all do a wonderful job giving us a chance to experince the joy of having a child. Thank you xGod Bless
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on August 02, 2012 01:27 PM:
The best part for me was conceiving 2 months after my TR! After going through so much with the planning and all of the ups and downs to finally be pregnant is a dream come true and it almost feels unreal! I am so thankful for everyone at CHTRC for making this possible for my husband and I. Congrats and good luck to all the ladies on the journey as well. 
Posted by Anne L. (Member # 14184) on August 02, 2012 02:24 PM:
Wow...am happy for all of you!

Posted by Praying for baby4 (Member # 15091) on August 02, 2012 05:17 PM:
The staff, hotel and how quickly everything happened was great. Other than that, nothing.
Posted by BabyFever6 (Member # 16187) on August 02, 2012 05:34 PM:
Everything was wonderful! I was most scared of the IV but when the nurse did it, it was super quick and she nailed it pain free! I was so impressed! My husband brags to people about the great IV job and how professional and caring Dr. B is. DH was skeptical about the whole thing but afterwards seen we were in good hands. The hotel was awesome and a huge plus! The only complaints is the travel with the airport but there isn't much anyone can do about that. We ended up driving back home and was better. I would drive around the world to have my TR done at CHTR!
Posted by Felicity M,RN (Member # 16047) on August 03, 2012 01:45 PM:
Wow, what great comments. Thanks to everyone for sharing. We are so happy to be part of this experience for each one of you.
Posted by Julia S, RN (Member # 10) on August 04, 2012 11:19 AM:
Thanks to each of you for sharing your story!
Posted by CynthiaM (Member # 5042) on August 04, 2012 11:34 AM:
Tubal reversal surgery gave me hope again - hope for having a baby after having my tubes tied. Before having my tubal reversed, I felt like I was at a dead end. Now I know that I have a chance of becoming pregnant naturally every month since my tubes have been repaired. Just this fact alone makes me feel more excited when I wake up each day.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tubal Ligation Reversal allows women to become pregnant naturally

At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith restore fertility after tubal ligation.

This procedure known as Tubal Ligation Reversal provides patients with the ability to become pregnant naturally and thus provides an alternative to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) that should be considered by all women wishing to have their tubes untied.

IVF procedures must be repeated each time a women wishes to become pregnant, a reversal is a one time surgery giving couples having the chance of conceiving naturally each month thereafter.

These testimonials from the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center web site are from just two of the many families happily reporting several pregnancies and births in the years after their reversal.

3rd Tubal Reversal Baby

“I just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the opportunity to add our 3rd TR princess to our family. Since my reversal in June of 2007 we have been pregnant 5 times and have added three beautiful little girls to our family. Thank you again for all that you do, not just for me, but for all women who regret what we thought was a life altering decision to have a tubal ligation.” Jennifer and Heath M., Loganville, Georgia

Blessed With 6th Reversal Baby 

“Dear Dr. Berger – I had a reversal surgery done by you March 20th of 2002. I am happy to inform you that we just had our sixth reversal baby. Thank you for your dedication to doing reversal surgeries. We are truly blessed by our little treasures.” Heather M., Augusta, Maine

In most cases tubal reversal surgery is the most successful and most cost-effective option for pregnancy after ligation. To find out if tubal ligation reversal surgery is right for you call Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center (919) 968-4656 for a free consultation with a Tubal Reversal Nurse.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

PTLS Resolved – A Happy Ending

My journey with PTLS (post tubal ligation syndrome) began following my tubal ligation, March 31, 2005, the day after the birth of my fourth child. I had given birth to 4 children by the age of 23, so I thought this was the only way to make sure we had no more children.

Now after having a tubal ligation reversal I look forward to waking up every day rather than dreading the day ahead. I am happy with my husband and family. I have my energy back and my hair has stopped falling out. I will be over the moon if we are able to have another baby, but if not, the surgery was worth every single penny to have my life back and feel whole again. Dr. Berger was my tubal reversal surgeon and he is the most caring man I have ever met. I did not get the opportunity to meet Dr. Monteith, but he has answered some emails and he is equally as nice. The staff at CHTRC is the most caring and compassionate people that I have ever met in my life. I would highly recommend this facility if you have PTLS, because I am here to tell you that PTLS is real and it can ruin your life, but on the bright side, PTLS can be fixed. I want to send all of my love to everyone at CHTRC! God bless you all!

Source: http://www.tubal-reversal.net/blog/2012/tubal-ligation-reversal/my-journey-with-ptls.html

Friday, June 29, 2012

My Husband’s Huge Investment

I was a little concerned at first about putting my trust into doctors I never met in a hospital so far I would have to fly for the first time in my life. I was impressed with the way the doctors and nursing staff are with patients warm and welcoming. It was a wonderful experience. Afterward I got pregnant immediately for the first time in ten years only to miscarry… I was devastated. I got pregnant 6 months later after charting like a mad person and here we are with a beautiful baby my husband calls his huge investment because it wasn’t a guarantee. It took money, but mostly it was an emotional investment.

We are so thankful to Dr. Berger and his wonderful staff. :) We hope to have one more. We have faith we will.
Amanda H. Sulphur,

Source: http://testimonials.tubal-reversal.net/2012/my-husbands-huge-investment-1329.html

Friday, June 22, 2012

Tubal Reversal vs IVF

The surgeons at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center in North Carolina perform tubal reversal surgery for patients who have had many different types of tubal ligation procedures done. Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith are successful in reversing tubes of 98% of the patients they see. Tubal Clips sterilization is the easiest method to reverse as very little damage has been done to the Fallopian tubes. The cost at Chapel Hill is a fraction of the cost for IVF, and once the reversal is completed there is a chance for pregnancy every month. IVF is a onetime cycle and is not always successful.

Tubal Reversal patient Amanda M. from Fayetteville, North Carolina says:
I had my surgery back in May of 2010. I was happily blessed with getting pregnant only a month after the surgery. After an uneventful pregnancy, I had my first post reversal baby (a little girl named Eva). To our surprise.. and a little amazement, my husband and I were expecting our second post reversal baby when our daughter turned four months. Exactly a year and 6 days after our daughter was born, we added our second baby to the mix. I could not have imagined I would ever have children again after my reversal surgery… but now I have two little miracles all thanks to Dr. Monteith.

My family and my heart were blessed with these babies within such a short time… and honestly… I can’t thank you enough!

Source: Reversing Tubal Clips: Better Than IVF
More information on Tubal Reversal vs IVF

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Essure reversal baby Sydney Elisabeth

Dr. Charles Monteith and Dr. Gary Berger of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center the authors of "Successful pregnancies after removal of intratubal microinserts" published in the February 2012 edition of Obstetrics and Gynecology pages 470-472. Their patients who experienced successful reversal of intratubal microinsert (Essure) sertilization have become pregnant and are now reporting the arrival of their babies.

This photo posted by Kristin M. from Alexandria, Virginia is of essure reversal baby Sydney Elisabeth

"We couldn’t be more happy with our tiny precious Essure Reversal miracle baby! Thank you doesn’t seem enough for the gift you gave us Dr Berger!" Read More >>

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Living Proof Children After Tubal Reversal Possible

“I’m living proof having children after a tubal reversal is possible… we have 4 reversal children ages 8, 3, 2, and 2 months! Dr. Berger is the best!” Diana M., Fort Polk, Louisiana

In 2005 Diana wrote a book called "Tubal Reversal - Our Journeys" this was not long after the birth of her first TR baby. Now another 7 years later her journey continues with the arrival of her 4th Tubal Reversal Baby.

Restoring the ability to conceive naturally is the main benefit of Tubal Reversal when compared to the alternative treatment IVF TR patients continue to have the chance of becoming pregnant over time.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Reversing Essure Or IVF: Which Is Better?

Which treatment is better: reversing an Essure or IVF? The preliminary data provided by Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center suggest in-vitro may offer the higher pregnancy success rate when compared to Essure reversal. The reversal specialists offer readers clarification about what IVF success really means and also provide reasons why women may still choose Essure reversal over IVF.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have published a review comparing of the pregnancy success of Essure Reversal with the pregnancy success of in-vitro fertilization.

We offer a clear understanding of what the average chance of IVF success really means for an individual woman and also discuss reasons why many of our patients will still choose Essure reversal over IVF.

Essure Reversal Or In-Vitro Fertilization?

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Patient Testimonial #1267

"We couldn't be more happy with our tiny precious Essure Reversal  Baby! Thank you for the gift you gave us Dr Berger!!"
Kristin M., Alexandria, Virginia

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Is Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Too Good To Be True?

Recently a new patient of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center had a bad case of the "nerves" and posted on the Message Board that she became concerned on her trip to Chapel Hill, North Carolina that everything she heard and read about Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith was too good to be true. Also, she wondered if she would even find such a place when she got here. Immediately the Message Board was deluged with testimonials about what a great place it was with the best fertility specialists and a friendly, caring and capable staff. The reputation of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal is stellar and your scrutiny is invited.

Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 23, 2012 03:38 PM :
So I have been preparing and taking all the steps needed to schedule my surgery with CHTRC however I can't help but feel nervous. I wonder if this place is to good to be true, will my payment be legit and safe will I be scammed out of thousands of dollars and never even have the surgery performed? I may just have cold feet and be looking for some reason to find a flaw (haven't found one as of yet). Does/has anyone else have/had these same concerns? I have been through every part of the website did a BBB search and though I have found no flaws I can not help but wonder. Am I crazy? Just wondering....

Posted by krisbaby (Member # 16083) on January 23, 2012 04:30 PM :
I just had my reversal surgery on Jan 16th and had a wonderful experience. All the staff are kind, caring, and genuine. My husband and I had checked out other places and never had any doubt that we were going to the right place. The staff at the hotel were very kind as well as the shuttle driver and the cab drivers. Overall our experience was wonderful and we are glad we chose CHTRC!!!
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 23, 2012 04:58 PM :
Thank you! I looked at other places as well and this place has been my number one from the start. I think its just nerves lol we have been going up and down with this for about two years and came close once to getting it done but lost the financial backing to do so. Now we have everything set in place and are really excited to go!
Posted by Lisa&Aaron (Member # 15648) on January 23, 2012 04:59 PM :
Every time I look at my 2 little girls, it STILL feels too good to be true, although I have to tell you that SIX poopy diapers in less than 2 hrs this morning brings me back to reality (my youngest is 9 days old/breast fed and poops TONS). You are in the BEST hands at CHTRC!!!! You cannot go wrong, I promise. There will be a lot of ladies commenting on your post, trust me
Posted by WendyH (Member # 15408) on January 23, 2012 05:13 PM :
Yep, sounds like nerves talking...but you cannot go wrong with CH. Their site is LOADED with legit info, and the reported pregnancies/births speak volumes. The testimonials are straight and true, and everyone from the hotel to the TR center is positively outstanding. I count on Dr. B's input still to this day, almost a year post-surgery. He is my 1st, 2nd and 3rd opinion in dealing with TR and OB issues...I'll take his word over my own OB's.

Just do it!!
Posted by twinkletoes (Member # 15897) on January 23, 2012 05:27 PM :
I had my TR a month ago. I can tell you that you are in good hands with CHTRC. The staff is wonderful and I know that everything will work out. I loved my experience and have no regrets. Good Luck to you!
Posted by Camellia-mom (Member # 15316) on January 23, 2012 05:35 PM :
Chapel hill Tubal Reversal Center is a professional legitimate place. I had a great experience. They come to the hotel and check on you the next day. In my case the pain meds made me itch really bad so they got me a different prescription. They even call to check your progress. Dr Berger will also answer any questions after the surgery (even months, years later).
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 23, 2012 05:48 PM :
Thank you ladies! You have all made me smile and are easing my nerves quite a bit I really appreciate it.
Posted by dolphinfoxx (Member # 15467) on January 23, 2012 06:50 PM :
QueenMommy, I felt the same nerves as you did. I looked up the BB, tried looking for any type of scams being reported on CH or the doctors and found nothing. I thought the same things as you and actually heard it from my ob/gyn too. He tried telling me my essure reversal would never mount to me getting pregnant (after I had it done). I just had my reversal July 19th and got my BFP on Nov 22nd (we had to wait a full cycle to ttc so we got pregnant within 3 months of trying).
I had an AMAZING experience at CHTRC. The staff, nurses, Dr. Monteith, and the hotel too were all so great. You really are in the best hands possible.
When my ob/gyn saw that the baby was in the uterus and had a heartbeat, he was speechless. He couldn't believe it. Let me tell you I LOVED seeing the look on his stunned face. I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant and everything is going great.
I hope your nerves go away and you can have the tr that you desire. You really won't be disappointed with CHTRC. Good luck to you!
Posted by saber (Member # 15576) on January 24, 2012 07:20 AM :
we looked into tr for over a year and everytime, chapel hill popped up. we felt the same, is it a scam, or they gonna take our money and run?? just like dolphinfoxx, we checked with the BB and they were rated A+!!!!! that was it, we called, got everything together, made our payment and drove the 9hrs. We were like oh wow when we say the hotel, and the next day off to chtr center, everyone were angels!!! never ever been treated with such kindess b4 in a dr settin/hospital setting. met Dr M the day of surgery(had a monday surgery) and he was awsome!!! this was may of 2011. he worked wonders on my tl which were cut tied and burned cuz in aug of 2011 we got a bfp. ended in m/c in sept tho.( i was 36 at the time) but we kept tryin and today we are 8weeks and going strong!!! and i turned 37 3 days after the bfp. u cant go wrong, i know seeing and hearin is sometimes to good to be true, but not in this case, they are WONDERFUL!!!!!! good luck to you and ur tr journey!!!
Posted by Nina M, RN (Member # 15473) on January 24, 2012 08:16 AM :
QueenMommyof3....CHTRC has been in business for a long time. Dr. Berger developed outpatient TR surgery and has done over 10,000 of these procedures. We are legit and pride ourselves on not only helping numerous women with infertility, but also are proud of the outstanding patient care we provide every day.

Nina M, RN

Posted by NJgirlinWI (Member # 12872) on January 24, 2012 09:57 AM :
It is NERVES!! But you are smart enough to think of it early. It hit me on our way to NC from Wisconsin. We had been driving for hours with 4 kids and all of the sudden I thought, "what the heck are we doing?" I told my DH that it has to be fake and how could he let me send thousands of dollars to someone who is probably in Cancun now on our stupidity!!! Well I settled down, arrived in Chapel Hill, had my TR and had a healthy Berger Baby 10 months later. Good luck and enjoy the ride
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 24, 2012 10:19 AM :
WOW Thanks so much! You ladies have helped a lot, I am really looking forward to going now and getting the surgery done I am going to find a kind distraction for now to settle these nerves though lol
Posted by Nina M, RN (Member # 15473) on January 24, 2012 10:28 AM :
We look forward to meeting you soon! Please call us if you need any reassurance!

Nina M, RN

Posted by Babymama1 (Member # 15541) on January 24, 2012 12:23 PM :
I felt the same way! I was worried it was a scam. I had my tr may 26 2011. I'm not pg yet but I'm very happy I went through with it. I feel like a woman again. This is a great place with great doctors n nurses! Great experience. Good luck!
Posted by Stephanie D, RN (Member # 460) on January 24, 2012 02:54 PM :
Thank you ladies for all of your wonderful feedback! We do strive to make this easy for you and realize what a leap of faith it is to come from so far away to have surgery.

We will take excellent care of you!

Posted by waitinwithhope2012 (Member # 16049) on January 24, 2012 08:40 PM :
QueenMommy, I had my tubal reversal surgery on January 9, 2012 and I am so impressed with the friendly and caring staff that helped make things go so smoothly. I decided in December 2011 that I wanted to have this done. I looked up many different places but CHTRC caught my eye and that was it for me! I scheduled my surgery the end of December and my husband and I flew out from good ol California and I could never be happier now! Dr. B was so kind and optimistic! I can't wait to get my BFP someday soon! Just go for it!! You won't be disappointed!
Posted by frawgymama (Member # 14653) on January 25, 2012 12:37 AM :
I have already recommended this place to people where I'm from:) My husband and I looked into our options for well over a year and kept coming back to CHTRC. Then realized my oldest sister in law had a reversal done there as well and was successful. I did a lot of research and reading and everything kept bringing me back here and I'm soooo glad it did!! I had my TR July 2010 and have nothing but good things to say about this place:) I met Dr. Monteith the day of my surgery but was immediately impressed. The nurses were so non judgemental, supportive, knowledgeable, and very nice.

We have since then gotten on BFP but sadly it ended in an ectopic pregnancy last week. My left tube burst and had to be removed but we are left with the right tube and will try again. I continue to say that any "health" issues I'm having have NOTHING to do with CHTRC. You will not regret going there! We had an amazing experience, the city is beautiful, the hotel is gorgeous and staff is wonderful:) Good luck, I wish nothing but early success!!!