Semen analysis and male factor infertility
Are you and your partner trying to conceive but having no luck? One important factor is the presence or absence of male factor
infertility. One-third of infertility cases can be attributed to male problems.
A simple semen analysis will help evaluate for male factor problems
related to semen production and we do recommend men consider this test especially if they have not previously fathered children.
A standard semen analysis evaluates these key areas:
Semen volume
Sperm concentration
Sperm motility
Sperm morphology
Semen volume
Normal amount of semen produced is between 2 to 5 milliliters (equivalent of a teaspoon). Low volumes of semen can suggest either a poor semen collection technique or an obstruction somewhere in the male reproductive tract.
Sperm Concentration
Sperm are generally produced in large numbers. normal concentration of sperm should have sperm over 20 million sperm per milliliter of fluid (one milliliter equals 1/5th of a teaspoon).
Normal semen samples can range from 20-200 million sperm per milliliter.
If sperm counts are very low this can suggest a condition called oligospermia (low sperm count) and if no sperm are seen this could suggest azospermia (absent sperm).
Sperm motility
Sperm are also examined for their motility (movement) Their movements are classified as rapid progressive, slow progressive, non-progressive, and non-motile. The better sperm should be those with rapid forward progressive movement. A normal semen analysis will have sperm where more than 50% have movement and 25% should have rapid progressive motility.
Sperm morphology
Sperm morphology (shape) is an important indicator of sperm fertility. Sperm are examined for shape, length, width, etc. At least 10-15% of sperm should have normal shape. There are many different abnormal shapes, which can suggest problems with sperm maturation (growth and development).
What Is A Normal Semen Analysis?
A normal semen analysis is a semen sample between 2-5 milliliters in volume, in which, at least 20 million sperm per milliliter exists, with 25% of the entire population of sperm having rapid progressive movement and 10% of sperm having normal shape. Men with semen analysis less than these amounts could have male factor infertility. Most men will have normal semen analysis.
A blog by Dr. Monteith and the staff of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center
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