Tubal Ligation Reversal

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Reversing Essure Or IVF: Which Is Better?

Which treatment is better: reversing an Essure or IVF? The preliminary data provided by Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center suggest in-vitro may offer the higher pregnancy success rate when compared to Essure reversal. The reversal specialists offer readers clarification about what IVF success really means and also provide reasons why women may still choose Essure reversal over IVF.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have published a review comparing of the pregnancy success of Essure Reversal with the pregnancy success of in-vitro fertilization.

We offer a clear understanding of what the average chance of IVF success really means for an individual woman and also discuss reasons why many of our patients will still choose Essure reversal over IVF.

Essure Reversal Or In-Vitro Fertilization?

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Patient Testimonial #1267

"We couldn't be more happy with our tiny precious Essure Reversal  Baby! Thank you for the gift you gave us Dr Berger!!"
Kristin M., Alexandria, Virginia

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