Tubal Ligation Reversal

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why She Chose Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Roslyn, a Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center message board member since 2008, is scheduled for tubal reversal surgery later this month. She posts her impressions of the staff on the message board, describing the staff members as polite, caring, and patient. Read more comments from patients on the website and on the Patient Satisfaction page.

This is topic Why did you choose CH? in forum Questions about Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Posted by WIMom27
I am about 90% sure I will be coming to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for my tubal reversal , but still have a few questions I'm trying to get figured out in my own mind. I would appreciate any of you ladies out there who are willing to share your reasons with me why you chose CH and how you have felt about your experiences with them. Thanks!
Posted by christbride
The message board was the main reason i decided on CH. This was the only place i could get "real" feedback on everyone's experience and not just testimonials they posted on their site and the only site that gave live statistics on their results. and it was much cheaper than local tr places. and this is his specialty and he does so many surgeries a day i figured he must know what he's doing. Dr. Monteith was interning at the time i had my tr done. it was successful. i have a 8 1/2 month old baby girl. definitely the best decision i made.
Posted by praying4more2009
I had a wonderful Experience with CH:)
When I started to do my research I just found myself drawn to this one.. maybe it was the online community and reading everyone's experience there and all the success stories. Everything I read was exactly what I got! Absolutely wonderful staff and service there. When I met Dr. Monteith I felt at ease..he was very understanding and also was honest about the fact that he did not know from reading my report if I had enough tube left without further testing..We chose to take our chances and I was happily surprised to have him tell me I had 5 &5.5cm left:)
What really made me decide on Ch was when I went to my own OBGYN and asked if he would reverse me and he said, 'yes i could, but I don't really recommend it at your age.. id suggest IVF.' I went home feeling deflated. The more I thought about it, I realized that yes my obgyn can do it..BUT he probably doesn't do them often.So maybe if I wanted the best chance, I should go somewhere that this is ALL they do. That was the biggest reason..they do TR everyday and that is ALL they do there. I had my TR done oct20-09
Posted by Hopeful1970
I came to CH after 7 years of trying to get a reversal done through the military. I had great care at CH. Dr. Monteith gave me my life back. I had my TR done on 11/23/09. I have 7cm on my left and 5.5cm on my right ( tubal length ). You will enjoy the experience.
Posted by Sally, RN
WIMom27--If you have any questions at all feel free to call our office and speak with any of the knowledgeable tubal reversal nurses . They will take the time that you need to get any questions answered. The message board is also a wonderful place for support and first hand information about how patients really feel about there care. December is a wonderful time to get your reversal done so you can have a happy new year in 2010.

Posted by Erika J, RN
We are here to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. You can contact us for tubal reversal questions at 919-968-4656.
Erika J.

Posted by GodisGood68
Hi, I have been on the message board since early 2008. The information and support we get from each other is phenomenal! The staff of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center are very polite and caring. I'm having my TR Dec. 29th. Even trying to get all my bloodwork and medical information, they are very patient and polite every time I called or emailed with questions. When I told my GYN/OB my desires to have TR she did not know that I was looking at CH, and she referred them to me. How incredible is that!!! I am located in Bermuda. So, that is why I choose CH. Sorry for the long story, but I hope it answers your questions.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is Pregnancy Possible After Endometrial Ablation

Pregnancy After Endometrial Ablation And Tubal Reversal

Dr. Charles Monteith, a microsurgeon at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, explains that many women will have both a tubal ligation and an endometrial ablation procedure. Some of these women will regret their decision and wish to become pregnant. and that a successful pregnancy is possible after an endometrial ablation; however, there are unique risks of pregnancy in women who become pregnant after ablation. Women who are considering pregnancy after an endometrial ablation need to be carefully informed about these risks.

Both uterine artery embolization and endometrial ablation are procedures to treat heavy menstrual periods. Although they both decrease bleeding, each procedure is uniquely different.

The uterine artery embolization is done by a radiologist in a radiology procedure room and involves blocking the uterine arteries to decrease blood flow to the uterus and decrease blood loss during the menstrual period.

An endometrial ablation is a surgical procedure done by a gynecologist either in the office or the operating room and involves removing the endometrial lining of the uterus. This also helps to treat anemia by reducing or eliminating blood loss during menstrual periods.

Both of the above procedures are designed to treat anemia and heavy menstrual bleeding. They each do this through a different process and pregnancy is possible after either endometrial ablation or uterine artery embolization. The purpose of this series of articles is to explain the risks of pregnancy after endometrial ablation.

Pregnancy And Endometrial Ablation Procedure

The goal of the endometrial ablation is to permanently remove the endometrial cells that make up the lining of the uterus. There are many different types of ablation procedures:

Laser ablation
Roller ball electrocoagulation
Transcervical resection (actual removal of the lining)
Cryoablation – Freezing. (Her Option)
Thermal ablation -hot water balloon (Thermachoice)
Thermal ablation -hot water (HTA)
Microwave endometrial ablation (FemWave)
Electrocoagulation (Novasure)

Although there are many different endometrial ablation techniques, these procedures are all intended to have the same end result: removal of the endometrial lining and a reduction in the amount of bleeding during a menstrual period.

Menstrual Period And Endometrial Ablation

Most endometrial ablations are not very effective and will not remove 100% of the uterine lining. A significant number of women will continue to have menstrual periods immediately after or within five years of an endometrial ablation procedure. These are the women who are most likely to be able to become pregnant.

Endometrial Ablation: Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy?

Pregnancy is possible after an endometrial ablation procedure, and, because of the possibility of pregnancy, most doctors recommend a permanent form of birth control in women who undergo ablation procedures. The most common procedures during or after an endometrial ablation are vasectomy or tubal ligation. Some women who undergo endometrial ablations will use a hormonal form of contraception or rely on the protection sometimes afforded by older age.

Menstrual Period After Endometrial Ablation

Women who have a menstrual period after an endometrial ablation can become pregnant and pregnancies after ablation have been reported in the medical literature.

Pregnancy after ablation and tubal reversal are possibleSome women will accidentally become pregnant after an endometrial ablation. The majority of these pregnancies have been among women who were not using birth control or not using a reliable form of birth control or among those who have had a failed tubal ligation or vasectomy. Some pregnancies have been among women who have intentionally had either IVF or tubal ligation reversal.

Pregnancy is most likely to occur in women who have resumption in their normal menstrual cycles because these are the women who still have enough lining to create a menstrual period and support a pregnancy.

Endometrial Ablation And Tubal Reversal: Is Pregnancy Possible?

Many women will regret their decision to have a tubal ligation and endometrial ablation and will inquire about reversal. Most manufacturers of endometrial ablation devices and most physicians who perform endometrial ablations do not recommend becoming pregnant after an ablation procedure. Pregnancy is not recommended because of the higher risk of miscarriage and pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy after endometrial ablation and tubal reversal is possible but there are unique considerations regarding pregnancy after an endometrial ablation.

Readers are welcome to visit our Tubal Reversal Blog and read personal stories about tubal reversal and pregnancy success. We also invite readers to visit our Tubal Reversal Message Board and participate in ongoing discussions about pregnancy after endometrial ablation and tubal reversal.