Is Tubal Reversal Safe?
Tubal reversal is major surgery because it involves general anesthesia and an abdominal incision; however, tubal reversal is very safe surgery and is much safer when performed at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center than when compared to other major gynecology procedures as performed in hospitals.
Although many doctors believe tubal reversal requires an overnight hospital stay, reversing tubes does not require an overnight stay, can safely be done out-patient, and is more affordable when done as out-patient surgery without an overnight hospital stay.
This article posted by a patient of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center titled When the SPD Manager Becomes the Patient discusses the issue of patient safety and the risk of infection.
Many health care professionals mistakenly believe tubal reversal
surgery must be done in a hospital operating room and requires overnight
hospital stay. Rather, the opposite is true. Tubal reversal does not have to be done in a hospital operating room and it does not require overnight stay.
Tubal reversal should be done in a safe hospital-like setting, but it does not need to be done in a hospital.
In fact, if you want your tubal reversal surgery to be really expensive
then request your tubal reversal be done in a hospital operating room
and request to stay overnight and you will pay in excess of $15,000!
While you are at it you might as well stay several additional nights to
add more cost to the entire package. While in the hospital, you may be
exposed unnecessarily to a variety of hospital-acquired infections.
When you come to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center
for your tubal reversal, you will be under the care of a highly trained
and respected specialist who is recognized for the improvements he has
brought to the field of tubal reversal surgery over 3 decades.
Dr. Berger developed the outpatient technique for tubal ligation
reversal. He has performed more than 10,000 of these procedures and has
acquired the greatest experience with this operation of any reproductive
surgeon worldwide.
Dr. Berger's techniques optimize the outcome and reduce recovery time and cost of tubal reversal surgery. His staff maintains an electronic patient database that provides accurate and up to date statistics about pregnancy rates after tubal reversal for his patients.
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