Tubal Ligation Reversal

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tubal Reversal Baby Is Best Christmas Present

A woman who chose Dr. Gary Berger as her tubal reversal doctor posts a picture of her tubal reversal baby on the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Message Board.

She wants to share the joy she is experiencing this Christmas because of the beautiful addition to her family so that other ladies who are considering tubal reversal surgery can feel hopeful this holiday season as well.

This is topic

Thanks for the best Xmas present ever!

in forum After Tubal Reversal on the

Tubal Reversal Message Board.

To visit this topic, use this URL:

Posted by bexngeo (Member # 8943) on December 25, 2007 07:54 AM:

Merry Christmas to all at CHTRC and all TR sisters!! And a special thank you to Dr. B. for allowing us to be blessed with our beautiful daughter, Tristan Erin.

TR 1/3/06
Tristan born 7/5/07

Posted by bexngeo (Member # 8943) on December 25, 2007 07:57 AM:

And here is Tristan with her big sisters, Nicole and Megan, and our "son" Wiski...

Posted by Alexsmom34 (Member # 11839) on December 25, 2007 09:10 AM:

She is soo sweet, she looks like a Gerber Baby! Merry Christmas...enjoy your new bundle of Joy!
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) on December 25, 2007 10:27 AM:

She is beautiful (like her mom)! What a great Christmas picture.

Posted by Julia Smith, RN (Member # 10) on December 25, 2007 10:47 AM:

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family, Becky!

Best wishes,
Julia Smith RN

Posted by Tanya from VA (Member # 9507) on December 25, 2007 01:22 PM:

Beautiful baby and girls! [Smile] What a wonderful Christmas present indeed.

Posted by bexngeo (Member # 8943) on December 25, 2007 02:00 PM:

Thanks!! She may not be a Gerber baby, but she is a Berger Baby!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Informed Consent For Tubal Reversal Surgery

Informed consent means a person has access to and understands all relevant information about a medical or surgical treatment necessary to make an informed decision about it. With regard to tubal reversal surgery, informed consent means that a woman understands how the surgery is performed, the alternative treatment of in vitro fertilization, and the potential benefits, risks, and likelihood of success from these treatments.

When Dr. Gary Berger meets with his patients pre-operatively, he thoroughly explains the outpatient tubal reversal procedure he performs. Well before the patient arrives at Dr. Berger's office or meets the staff, she has had access to extensive information and statistics on the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal website, has received printed materials about what to expect before, during, and after the surgery, and can watch a DVD or video showing each step in the tubal reversal operation. With this detailed information and pre-operative education, it becomes possible to make a fully informed decision about tubal reversal surgery.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tubal Reversal Procedures

There are 3 types of tubal reversal procedures:

• anastomosis
• implantation
• salpingostomy

Anastomosis of Fallopian Tubes
Anastomosis connects two body parts. Tubotubal anastomosis is connecting two segments of the fallopian tube. Tubotubal anastomosis is correct medical terminology, but it is also called tubal anastomosis for short. Bilateral tubal anastomosis means that both tubes are repaired by the anastomosis technique. The anastomosis sites can be specified for each fallopian tube. They may be different for the two sides. For example, a patient may have a right isthmic-ampullary tubotubal anastomosis and a left ampullary-ampullary tubal anastomosis. Sometimes, only one fallopian tube is repairable with the anastomosis technique. This is called unilateral tubotubal anastomosis.

Read More about tubotubal anastomosis

Implantation of Fallopian Tubes
Implantation of the fallopian tube is inserting the tube through a new opening into the uterus. Tubouterine implantation is correct medical terminology, but it is also called tubal implantation, uterotubal implantation, or uterine implantation. Most tubal ligation operations leave two fallopian tube segments that can be reconnected. In some cases, only one tubal segment remains that is separated from the uterus and the portion of the tube within the uterine muscle is blocked as well. This is most likely to occur when a tubal ligation has been performed by monopolar tubal coagulation applied to the tubal segment next to the uterus. In this situation, tubal implantation is required as the tubal reversal procedure.

Read More about Tubouterine implantation

Salpingostomy is creating an opening in the fallopian tube. It is also called neosalpingostomy, which more clearly indicates the creation of a new opening in the tube. Salpingostomy is the appropriate tubal reversal procedure when the end closest to the ovary is closed and the fallopian tube has not been divided into separate segments. This is what results from a fimbriectomy tubal ligation. It can be seen also when a fallopian tube has become closed as a result of infection (salpingitis).

Read More about Salpingostomy

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tubal Reversal Information

How Do I Determine Which Tubal Reversal Information Is Accurate?
A member of The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board posts her concerns that she has read a lot of conflicting information about the best tubal reversal techniques. Members of Dr. Gary Berger's staff - as well as other patients - offer information and encouragement. On the Internet, claims about tubal reversal pregnancy rates are often made without supporting information or documentation - such as a description of the patient population, study method, and follow-up interval. Most Internet sites about tubal reversal do not provide any factual data at all. Any doctor may say that his patients have a particular success rate, but supporting the claim with actual data involves considerable effort. Performing a follow-up study such as the one Dr. Berger compiles requires keeping an accurate record of patients and their findings, as well as maintaining ongoing patient contact to determine the outcomes of treatment. Without this detailed type of information, the accuracy of any claim of success rates should be questioned.

The following is topic Other websites in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal from the Tubal Reversal Message Board:
Posted by Impatient (Member # 5526) on November 27, 2007 03:00 PM:
I have been looking at this board and other TR sites for a long time and wonder why their seem to be so many difrent stories on the best way to do the surgery, dye tests, no dye tests, 3 layers or 2. Honestly, it seems that some people are just trying to throw out stuff to run people off or to be misleading. How should me and my dh know what is right?
Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on November 27, 2007 03:04 PM:
By the statistics of pregnancy and the recovery time. Dr. Berger and his staff are awesome! I did my research also, and he had the best stats for my age and type of ligation.
Posted by Julia Smith, RN (Member # 10) on November 27, 2007 03:07 PM:
Hi, Carrie. I was asked this same question just a few days ago and do have e-mail requests with this same question fairly frequently. I usually respond that the "three layers are better than two" theory is just the opinion of one doctor on the internet!
Dr. Berger sews the muscular and outer serosal layers together but not the inner endothelial layer as this may increase the risk of scar formation within the tubal lumen. In his opinion, this is the best approach. The suggestion I always make is to read through the testimonials from our patients. All of those women had surgery performed by Dr. Berger using the microsurgical techniques he pioneered -- with pregnancy rates near 80% in our latest follow-up survey. This is a clear indication that his techniques are successful and result in pregnancies!
On the Internet, claims about tubal reversal pregnancy rates are often made without supporting information or documentation - such as a description of the patient population, study method, and follow-up interval. Most Internet sites about tubal reversal do not provide any factual data at all. Any doctor may say that his patients have a particular success rate, but supporting the claim with actual data involves considerable effort. Performing a follow-up study such as the one Dr. Berger compiles requires keeping an accurate record of patients and their findings, as well as maintaining ongoing patient contact to determine the outcomes of treatment. Without this detailed type of information, the accuracy of any claim of success rates should be questioned.
I hope this is helpful!
Julia Smith, RN
Posted by Sarah Meacham, RN (Member # 9766) on November 27, 2007 03:16 PM:
Hi Carrie,
We keep very detailed data and statistics on each of our patients (age, tube length, medical history, tube of tubal ligation, pregnancy history, etc.). This is obtained by daily contact with our patients to ensure we have accurate information regarding their surgery and their outcome. To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Berger is the only doctor with published data regarding outcomes following reversal surgery.
Please contact me (SarahM@tubal-reversal.net) with any other questions you may have and we look forward to having you as a future patient!
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806) on November 27, 2007 03:17 PM:
Hi Carrie,
What Julia answered is exactly right! Dr. Berger has been performing the reversal surgery for over 30 years, has performed over 6,000 reversals and has the most tubal reversal babies born world-wide. So, obviously Dr. Berger's technique is the best and he is doing it the best way possible.
I have worked for Dr. Berger for nearly 10 years and I can assure you - he is an amazing surgeon!
You will have the best outcome possible if you decide to undergo reversal surgery at our facility with Dr. Berger.
You may email me anytime with questions: Jennifer O@tubal-reversal.net
Best wishes!
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806) on November 27, 2007 03:20 PM:
I should also add that Dr. Berger is the only physician in the country with a practice that is specifically limited to tubal reversal surgery. That is the only procedure we perform here with Dr. Berger performing four reversals each day, five days a week. We have a high staff/patient ratio with one or two nurses devoted specifically to your care while you are here. All of our nurses have advanced certification in cardiac life support (ACLS) and our anesthesiologists are MD's with board certification in anesthesia. The anesthesiologists are employees here and not anesthesia staff from another hospital or anesthesia service. So everyone here has expertise in caring for and performing reversal surgery. While you are here, you will only be with other women and couples who are here specifically for the same purpose.
Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on November 27, 2007 03:36 PM:
Dear Carrie,What a good question. We get asked this question quite a bit. The best tool that any patient can have is information. I do not know of any other physician that puts out the information that Dr. Berger provides. We encourage patients to check his credentials and to ask as many questions as they need to. We provide 24/7 coverage seven days a week not only to our patients that have had surgery, but to patients that are thinking of having tubal reversal surgery.
As you browse the message board and read all the posts you will see that experience is a factor with tubal reversal surgery We have had many patients come to Dr. Berger after they had been told that tubal reversal could not be done in their case and then Dr. Berger was able to successfully repair the tubes as he is able to do in 98% of the cases.
I do not think that you will find a more caring physician who is truely devoted to the procedure that he performs as well as patient care. We as staff members feel very fortunate to be a part of this experience and would love to meet you in the near future. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Testimonials after Tubal Reversal Procedures from Dr. Berger's Patients

"I had my tubal reversal March of 2005 and I have had my 2nd tubal reversal baby thanks to Dr. Berger."   Dina U.

"Even though I only have one tube open I still have had no problems getting pregnant. This is my 3rd tubal reversal baby."   Christy C.

"My husband and I had a beautiful baby boy. Dr. Berger and his staff - we would like you to know that we appreciate everything that you have done for us."   Sherwonder G.

"It was such a joy to visit with the most blessed doctor in the world - Dr. Berger. If God sees it fit, we will have another TR Baby soon."   Heidi F.

"Dr. Berger - you make miracles happen each day, and we thank you for using your talents to allow us to have our miracle baby."   Dayna and Steve B.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fallopian Tube Length After A Tubal Ligation Procedure

The average fallopian tube is 10cm - 11cm in length prior to the sterilization procedure. Typically, around 0.5cm to 3cm is removed during a tubal ligation. Depending on the amount of tube removed, the tubes may be 4cm - 8cm in length after Dr. Berger performs the tubal reversal procedure. Based on the extensive follow-p study conducted by Dr. Berger at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, two out of three women with the ligation and resection procedure (tubal ligation) will become pregnant after reversal surgery with Dr. Berger. With more than 30 years of experience performing tubal reversal surgery, Dr. Berger is able to repair the tubes in 98% of cases and has had patients report pregnancies with tubes as short as 1.5cm.

Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on November 06, 2007 03:29 PM:

Got my medical report evaluated today thanks Rhonda for emailing me. I had the pomeroy, he removed 1.0 cm on one side and .5cm on the other. So my question is how long are tubes generally and how long will they be after the reversal? I am so excited I have never been this excited about surgery. I could do cartwheels if I thought my kids wouldn't freak out.

TL 1997
TR ~soon~

Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) on November 06, 2007 03:44 PM:

I too had the pomeroy stle of Tl on Dec 2000- I just had my Tr March 2007 and I ended up with 5.5 & 5.0 lenghts- still trying for that BFP but at least I am in the game now-

Congrats on choosing Dr. Berger- he is seriously the best!!!! YOU won't have any regrets- Good luck and wishing you long healthy tubes!!!!

Lots of Love,

Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on November 06, 2007 03:48 PM:

Hi Suzanne, I also had the pomeroy and 1.5 removed on both sides. I've read that tubes average 10 cm before TL, as for how long they will be after TR, is hard to say. I think it depends on how much scaring etc and how much Dr B has to remove to repair the tubes. I'm sure one of the nurses and other ladies will chime in with more helpful info. Goodluck to you!

Posted by Sarah Meacham, RN (Member # 9766) on November 06, 2007 04:57 PM:

Hi Suzanne,

Brandy is correct - the average Fallopian tube (before a tubal ligation) is about 10cm. It is hard to predict how long tubes will be after reversal surgery, since Dr. Berger will not know exactly how much damage was done to the tubes until he is performing the surgery.

I'm glad to hear you are so excited about surgery - please let us know if you have any other questions and also when you are ready to schedule your surgery!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tubal Reversal Procedure Comfort

Making Tubal Reversal Comfortable

by Gary S. Berger, MD
Reproductive Surgeon-Director
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Using The Best Surgical And Anesthetic Techniques

Tradionally, tubal reversal surgery microsurgery has been a major in-hospital operation with several days of hospital stay and surgical techniques that cause postoperative pain and disability. They don't think about how to minimize postoperative pain while performing a surgical procedure. Patients, of course, would prefer that surgeons avoid techniques that cause pain after they awake.

Postoperative pain following abdominal surgery is due mostly to trauma to the muscles and connective tissues in the abdominal wall when using traditional surgical techniques. Abdominal retractors (metal instruments that pull back on the skin, connective tissues, and muscles to provide exposure of the pelvic organs), cause bruising and reduced blood flow to tissues during the time they are being held apart by the retractors. In my experience - having performed over 6000 outpatient tubal reversals - the operation is best performed using no retractors at all other than just the surgeon's fingers, the gentlest of all surgical instruments.

Surgical packs (large gauze pads) traditionally are placed into the abdomen to push the intestines away from the pelvic organs. These irritate the intestines and are unnecessary in most cases.

Another technique that prevents postoperative pain is injecting a local anesthetic, even though the patient is asleep, in the areas where surgery is performed . This effective technique is called "pre-emptive analgesia".

These are some of the methods that I use that make tubal reversal comfortable as outpatient surgery. These techniques allow patients to awake in comfort and avoid the need for repeated injections of narcotic pain medications. Making surgery comfortable improves patient outcomes, avoids the need for routine postoperative hospital care, and results in low cost tubal reversal.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

tubal reversal procedure insurance

Some insurance companies provide coverage for tubal reversal procedures.
The diagnosis code (ICD-9) for bilateral tubal occlusion is 628.2.
The procedure code (CPT) for tubal anastomosis is 58750.

Some states are now passing laws that have mandatory infertility insurance coverage – New York, for example is one of several such states. Under the mandate insurers provide fertility insurance as part of a standard plan, or as an option to purchase for a reasonable price.

Lobby your governor and insurance company to offer infertility coverage. If your employer chooses your insurance ask that they seek out a policy that will cover your tubal reversal procedure.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pregnancy Testimonials

Baby and Pregnancy Testimonials After Tubal Reversal Procedures from Dr. Berger's Patients

"We have a perfect baby boy. I want to thank every one at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, especially Dr. Berger, for making this journey possible for us." Mike and Kelley J.

"Our tubal reversal baby keeps us busy. She is such a joy and a blessing to our whole family." Jennifer and Randy A.

"I was so excited to find out that I was pregnant 20 months after my tubal reversal procedure." Jenn B.

"Thank you Dr. Berger for my two TR angels." Donald and Jessie M.

"We would like everyone to meet our second Berger Baby, Elijah Samuel. Thanks to Dr. Berger I have 2 beautiful baby boys whom I'm in love with." Ann and Michael O.

"My husband and I just had our second TR baby boy. I had a C-section and my doctor said Dr. Berger does incredible work." Samantha B.

"I want to thank Dr. Berger for blessing me with my new little miracle baby, born 11 months after my tubal reversal operation." Kim and Michael P.

"When my friend, Tiffani, (who is expecting her 4th TR baby in January), told us about Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, my husband and I didn’t hesitate to schedule our appointment. It was well worth the 2 ½ year wait for this beautiful Berger Baby!!!" Aaron and Barby H.

"Thank you Dr. Berger for the work you do. It really is changing the world one little life at a time." Scott and Rachel P-W.

"I had my tubal reversal surgery by Dr. Berger in September, 2002. I have had 2 sons after my tubal reveral so far and have just found out I am expecting another baby in April." Misty R.

"Our Berger baby girl arrived just 10 short months after having the reversal procedure." Geni W.

"I want to announce the arrival of our new baby girl. We are so happy we traveled to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have the reversal done. I had the tubal reversal procedure performed September 21, 2006 and we found out we were pregnant the day after Thanksgiving." Elizabeth S.

"Kate just turned one. Turns out we got her an extra special present! Positive HPT today...we are THRILLED." Steph C.

"It will never be lost on me what miracles these little TR boys are. Thank you, Dr. Berger and staff for helping to make our dreams come true." Renee and Jack L.

"We are so grateful to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for the great work you do to allow families like ours to follow their hearts and bring a new life into their homes." Jennifer McN.

"My son Dylan is a Dr. Berger miracle. I had my tubal reversal surgery in January of 2006 and Dylan was born on January 22nd, 2007." Maria M.

"My tubal reversal baby boy is here thanks to the wonderful Dr. Berger and staff at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center." Andrea P.

"I got pregnant 2 months after my tubal reversal. Thank you Dr. Berger - I had a great pregnancy, full term, and fast delivery." Phoebe R.

"Our 3 year old tubal reversal daughter, Hally, has changed our lives and I still appreciate everything Dr. Berger did to bring so much joy into our lives." Peggy L.

"I had my baby 4 days after my Tubal Reversal Anniversary. Thank you, Dr. Berger - without you we wouldn't have our little miracle! " Dawn T.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tubal Reversal or IVF

Many women have had a tubal ligation and then seriously consider becoming pregnant again, Many fertility doctor will say in vitro fertilization (or IVF) is the best or only option.
For most women, however, tubal reversal surgery is actually the better option. Once their tubes are repaired, there is the chance that they could become pregnant naturally each and every month.
With IVF, they have to be injected with medication and have a minor surgical procedure performed each time they attempt to get pregnant. Based on current national statistics, the pregnancy rate for IVF is approximately 27% and costs between $8,000 to $20,000 for each treatment cycle.
At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, the cost for the surgery is $5900 and pregnancy rates are approximately 75%! In almost all cases, tubal reversal is the most successful and cost-effective alternative for pregnancy in women who have been previously sterilized and now desire to have another baby.
You can read more on getting a tubal reversal or IVF on the website at http://www.tubal-reversal.net/tubal-reversal-vs-ivf.htm.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Tubal Reversal VIP Questions

Here is a list of questions to ask when considering how to choose a doctor to perform your tubal reversal surgery and the types of responses you should expect. For more information or assistance, please send me an email (JuliaS@tubal-reversal.net) or call me at (919) 656-8204.

Question: What credentials does the doctor have that demonstrate expertise in tubal reversal surgery?

Answer: You can check on line to see if the doctor is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a member of the Society of Reproductive Surgeons. Doctors with both of these credentials are recognized by their peers as experts with the training and experience best suited for tubal reversal surgery.

Question: How many tubal ligation reversals has the doctor performed?

Answer: The more experience the doctor has, the better! Dr. Berger performs 4 tubal reversals everyday, 5 days a week, yet he also maintains a personalized atmosphere where each patient receives one-on-one nursing care. Having performed more than 6000 tubal ligation reversals, Dr. Berger has the most experience with this outpatient procedure of any reproductive surgeon in the world. Patients come to him from across the US and abroad to have their tubes repaired. He is considered by many to be the best tubal reversal doctor.

Question: Does the doctor perform tubal reversals on an outpatient basis?

Answer: The answer to this question should be "yes", since outpatient surgery not only reduces cost but also avoids risks of hospitalization, such as possible infection with hospital acquired bacteria.

Question: What are the doctor's success rates following tubal reversal surgery, based on the patient's age and type of tubal ligation?

Answer: The answer to this question should be based on accurate statistical data. If you are 40 and had a monopolar tubal coagulation, you do not want to be quoted the success rate for 23 year olds with tubal ligation by Hulka clips. Ask for information about the outcomes of surgery for women in your age group and with your method of tubal ligation. Ask to see the statistics that the doctor has regarding his patients' outcomes. At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center we keep an extensive information database and can give you detailed statistics about pregnancy rates for our patients taking into account age, tubal ligation method, and many other factors. A weekly pregnancy report is also provided on our Tubal Reversal Message Board. We are committed to providing accurate and up to date information.

Question: How long does tubal reversal surgery normally take?

Answer: Tubal reversal performed by Dr. Berger usually takes an hour or less. Minimizing operating time is important, since longer anesthesia and surgery times are associated with increased complication rates and recovery from surgery.

Question: Is it better to have my tubal reversal in an outpatient center or a hospital?

Answer: Chapel Hill Surgical Center is the only medical facility dedicated exclusively to tubal reversal surgery and is licensed by the North Carolina Division of Facility Services. Personalized care is easier to ensure in this small private outpatient setting than in a large hospital. We have a higher clinical staff to patient ratio than in a hospital, and we concentrate all of our attention on the safety and comfort of tubal reversal patients. To get an idea about our commitment to patient safety and comfort, read some of our patients' testimonials.

Question: What is the expected recovery time following tubal reversal?

Answer: Most patients are able to return to work and other normal activities within 5 to 10 days.

Question: Does the doctor perform procedures other than tubal reversal surgery?

Answer: It is important that the doctor limits his practice to tubal reversal surgery. If he is also performing other gynecology or obstetrical cases, his schedule is less predictable. If the doctor is also delivering babies, you may find your procedure has to be rescheduled to accommodate a pending delivery. Having surgery in a facility limited to tubal reversal surgery also means that you will be sharing your experience on the day of surgery with other women and couples who are there for the same reason – and not for another type of surgical procedure or illness.

Question: Will you be following up with me to assist me when I have questions or concerns following my tubal reversal? Is there message board or e-mail availability for general questions? Will there be any charges for my follow-up care?

Answer: You should expect to be given a 24-hour pager or telephone number for the physician as well as the nurse or anesthesiologist before you leave the facility. You will also want to know that a member of the staff will check on you at intervals after surgery. Ongoing follow-up is how a doctor and his staff determine patient outcomes, such as how your recovery is progressing, and whether you have had complications that need to be addressed. Since questions and concerns can arise at any time following surgery, Dr. Berger and our nursing staff will be available for on-going support and information to help you conceive as well as to monitor your early pregnancy. Both Dr. Berger and his staff moderate the interactive message board to respond to questions and also answer phone and e-mail questions in the evening, on weekends, and on holidays. There is no additional cost for this follow-up care.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Tubal Reversal a better option than IVF

Survey finds Tubal Reversal is a better option than IVF.

AN OPERATION to reverse sterilisation of women over 40 who want another baby is significantly more successful and tens of thousands of dollars cheaper than IVF, an Australian study has found.

The study, published yesterday in the Medical Journal of Australia reports live births after tubal reanastomosis were successful in 40 per cent of women aged between 40 and 47, compared with an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) success rate of just 5 per cent for women aged 40 to 42 and 2 per cent for older women.

The direct cost of a reversal is $4850 per treatment, and $11,317 per live birth, compared with about $6940 per cycle of IVF treatment, and $97,884 per live birth for women aged 40 to 42, increasing to $182,794 for older women.

The study, titled Live birth following day surgery reversal of female sterilisation in women older than 40 years: a realistic option in Australia? said tubal surgery was a "better option" and "highly cost effective" compared with IVF for women over 40.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald More information

Friday, August 17, 2007

Spell Checking on the Tubal Reversal Message Board

The New Spell Checker we installed on the Tubal Reversal Message Board has been well received.

Thanks to Naka for this script.

Posted by Webmaster (Member # 1) on August 16, 2007 05:14 AM:

A spell checker has been added to the reply & new topic forms.

Dr. Berger, Pam Mills CRNA and I am interested to hear your response to this addition.

Posted by RondaK (Member # 10655) on August 16, 2007 06:51 AM:

This is a wonderful thing for us spelling challenged individuals.

Posted by Kelli (Member # 5125) on August 16, 2007 08:14 AM:

Oh my, this is great! Thanks! -Kelli

Posted by Peach (Member # 6668) on August 16, 2007 08:20 AM:

I just used it and found it to be a great help... i just didnt change my spelling on much.. but it helps a lot. Thanks!!!


Posted by jamilah (Member # 8731) on August 16, 2007 08:22 AM:

Thanks that wasa good idea.


Posted by pam mills (Member # 617) on August 16, 2007 09:01 AM:

Thanks for your input, I think it's a wonderful addition to an already superior web site.

Pam Mills, CRNA

Posted by KPJ (Member # 7043) on August 16, 2007 09:04 AM:

It definitely will help with those nasty typos I'm so guilty of... LOL. I won't have to keep going back and proof-reading to edit now... LOL.


Posted by Mary-MI (Member # 10150) on August 16, 2007 09:13 AM:

I think its a wonderful thing... if i can remember to use it LOL Thanks Dr. B and staff, you keep making these wonderful changes

Posted by jarz (Member # 9286) on August 16, 2007 10:54 AM:

that is exactly what we needed I should say I needed.


Posted by empty nested (Member # 7303) on August 16, 2007 12:22 PM:

The only change I would recommend is that it not only give you the option to change the word you misspelled, but you have the option to delete the word all together without closing out of the program and doing it manually.

Example : I jus twas metioning that yesterday.

Both "jus" and "twas" will be highlighted seperately. So you have to correct the first one by typing "just" and the second one by typing "was" instead of being able to type "just was" in the first error and deleting the second one.

Just something I noticed. I am very glad to see that this option is now available thought. Lord knows I need it!!


Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) on August 16, 2007 07:14 PM:

I feel smarter already!

Posted by Rita-D (Member # 11221) on August 16, 2007 07:18 PM:

Thanks!!! Know we can all use those big words we wanted to and just coulden`t spell....lol



Copyright © 2007 Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

109 Conner Drive Suite 2200, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 968-4656

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tubal reversal, can it be done?

I have had my tubes tied and i found a website that says tubal reversals can be done? ...has anyone had this done? I really want a baby and hate to get my hopes up for nothing.

Dear Memori:
Tubal reversal surgery is possible!! And it is not dangerous! I have worked for Dr. Gary Berger for more than 12 years. He performs 4 reversals every day, 5 days per week and has never had a serious complication. Plus, pregnancy rates are around 75%.
If the tubal reversal procedure is done with the conventional method, you might find that you are in surgery for several hours and are hospitalized for 2- 3 days following the procedure. It might take 3 weeks before you are back to your normal routine. Who wouldn't be concerned about taking a month off work?
But when Dr. Berger performs the tubal reversal procedure, you will be able to be up, dress yourself, and walk out of the door under your own power in an hour and a half because the procedure is so much easier on your body.
The majority of the women who have their tubal reversal done at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center are back to their normal routine within 7 to 10 days – only a third of the time it would take if the procedure was done elsewhere.
When you compare this to the costs and risks of undergoing IVF, tubal reversal surgery is the most successful and least expensive way to have a baby after a previous tubal ligation.
I hope this is helpful.

Julia Smith, RN, ALNC
Nurse Administrator
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New testimonials on Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Web Site

"I had my baby 4 days after my Tubal Reversal Anniversary. Thank you, Dr. Berger - without you we wouldn't have our little miracle! " Dawn T.

"Kiaira is such a happy baby. Dr. Berger made our dreams come true with his tubal reversal procedure." Rosemary and Manuel M.

"We now have a new son thanks to the awesome skill of Dr. Gary Berger, the best tubal reversal doctor." Dana and Phillip A.

"We just wanted to say thank you, Dr. Berger and to all of the staff, for making our dream of having a family come true! We just added our second tubal reversal Berger Baby to our family only 16 months after our first Berger Baby." Scott and Kim H.

"Our new family addition arrived after tubal reversal surgery performed by Dr. Berger. I am a new mom again at 41." Tim and Amy F.

"Another miracle tubal reversal Berger Baby is born. Jayden is my husband's first child and to see the look on his face was priceless. Thank you all for this miraculous gift." JoAnn and Travis R.

"In October we will be delivering our 2nd Berger baby, then our family will be complete. We couldn't be more happy with our decision to take the leap and go see Dr. Berger for our TR surgery." Sheila P.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Obtaining Medical Records For Tubal Reversal Surgery

Dr. Berger has performed nearly 6000 tubal ligation reversal procedures. The success of the procedure depends on several factors, including a woman's age, the type of sterilization performed and the length of healthy tube remaining following surgery.

One way to determine what your success rate may be is with the operative report from your tubal ligation. This can be obtained from the doctor who performed the surgery or from the medical records department of the hospital where your procedure was performed. When patients forward their records, Dr. Berger reviews the operative report at no charge and provides input regarding possible outcomes following reversal surgery. If patients are unable to get the records, Dr. Berger can proceed without them or can perform a screening laparoscopy to assess the overall condition of the tubes if your body mass index (BMI) is less than 30.

Fortunately, Dr. Berger is able to repair the tubes in 98% of situations, including those cases where the tubes have been cut and burned.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Dr Berger's experience does count

When I went to the Wikepedia page about Tubal Reversal, I came upon this sentence. This delicate surgery is best performed by a reproductive surgeon with specialized training and experience in the techniques of tubal ligation reversal.
This describes perfectly what I observed in our operating room today. During a tubal reversal procedure, Dr. Berger was faced with unexpected results from our patient's prior surgery. The outcome looked bleak, but Dr Berger's training and years of experience gave him the edge. I was amazed as I watched him create a beautiful, functional tube and fimbria out of what appeared to be a hopeless situation. Instead of two tubal segments, this patient had three. The third segment consisted of only fragments of the fimbria that could not be attached. The remaining length was good. On the other side was a short and very fibrotic tube with no opening at all into the uterus, but a healthy fimbrial segment. Any normal surgeon would have quit, but Dr. Berger used his many years and used the good fimbria segment from one side and connected it to the tubal segments on the other side that had no fimbria. Now this patient has one long, healthy tube with fimbria. It just a miracle!! This patient has just left the Tubal Reversal Center to finish recovering at the hotel. She and her husband left filled with hope, realistic hope. They realize their circumstance is unusual and if hadn't been for the experience and fortitude of Dr. Berger and his OR team they wouldn't have been so lucky. Training and experience truly do make all the difference in the world! 

Posted by MitziMay
Amen to that!

Posted by steelergirl7
That is an amazing story. Brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for this patient and wish them all the luck.

Posted by jami

Posted by JerseyCouple:
That's such a nice story. I bet she will get a sticky BFP in no time!

Posted by steelergirl7
I really wanted to thank you for what you posted.
I was having a really rough 2 days, worrying about what kind of TL I had and worried that it wont be a successful TR. I am scheduled for 7-31 and I am so excited. After reading what you wrote put my fears into perspective, I actually printed it out and placed in on my bathroom mirror so that I can be reminded of the extrodinary work Dr. B does.

Posted by pam mills
I am so glad my post helped ease your fears. Have a safe trip to Chapel Hill and I will look forward to meeting you then.
Pam Mills, CRNA

Posted by jenn5
That is wonderful!!!

Posted by ace67
yeah for dr berger and the chapel hill staff!!!

Posted by Eric'sGirl
Hope she finds your post... and keeps us all updated on her journey.
It gives me a little bit of hope... I too am one of those that may not be able to be put together.
I have told EVERYONE...
If there is anyone that can do it... it is ONLY Dr. Berger!!
What an amazing human being!!!!
Thank you... ALL OF YOU... from all of us!!!

Posted by babyz07
Dr Berger and the Chapel hill staff are Angles from above.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

RateMDs.com - Doctor Ratings and Reviews

The following are some of the comments about Dr. Berger on RateMDs.com

  • We now have a son thanks to the awesome skill of Dr. Gary Berger, the best tubal reversal doctor.

  • Very professional, carring and very nice. Office staff was wonderful,treat us with respect and where there for us during the entired process. Thank you very much to Dr. Berger and staff.

  • I had my TR done in May 2004. I was scared out of my mind on what to expect when I got to Chapel Hill. Everyone there put my mind at ease and took care of us. The next morning I met with Dr. Berger before surgery and he was so kind and caring. Told me how the surgery would go and also told me there was NO guarantee that I would get pregnant. Well I am happy to report that I now have a 17 month old daughter. Thank you Dr. Berger and everyone at CHTRC for making our dreams come true! Dr. Berger is the best at what he does, he is known worldwide and I recommend him to everyone that wants a TR.

  • Dr Berger was so caring and professional. I traveled 2000 miles for my surgery and would definitely do it again!

  • Excellent physician who truly cares about his patients! I traveled all the way from Oregon to be seen by him!

  • I had my reversal on June 2004.I found Dr. Berger to be really good at what he does.Him and his staff were very kind and took the time to listen and answer all my questions.I wish I could find a doctor just like him where I live.By the way I know have a little girl who is 19 mo. and I'm due whith my second baby girl on august 31.

  • Dr. Berger and his staff we unbeleivably wonderful. His entire staff are so helpful and truely care for each person's situation. Dr. Berger is just fabulous, he really wants the best outcome for you and he truely cares for each patient. His office runs very efficiently and everyone is on top of their job. My husband and I were just blown away by the efficiency and care that is take for every family. I could not have had a better expierence.

  • I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Dr. Berger and his entire staff. They answered all my questions ans some I didn't even think to ask.

  • Dr.Berger And Staff are so wonderful they sure everything on point and on time.and afordable thank you DR. B for everything you did you did for me

  • He's helped a lot of women achieve fertility again.

  • The most compassionate doctor I have ever met. Knows what he is doing and I recommend him to everyone I hear is thinking of TR.

  • Excellent Dr and staff. Amazingly caring. I would NEVER consider going anywhere else, the care, professionalism and expertise is umatched.

  • Awesome Doctor. Really cares and likes what he is doing!

  • Dr. Berger and his staff was amazing. Very knowledgable, accomodating and extremely friendly.

  • Dr. Berger and his entire staff provided me with truly the BEST surgical experience I have ever had. No one likes to have surgery...it can be scary. However, they put me at ease, were 110% professional and knowledgeable. I have to say that while I am pleased as punch that my surgery was so successful (I am currently 35 weeks pg) I would not have hesitated for a second to go back for a repeat with his office if it had been necessary. I actually kind of miss everyone there ... it was THAT GOOD of an experience. We flew from Texas to NC to use him as my surgeon and it was worth every second, and every penny! Dr. Berger is TOPS in my book

  • Dr. Berger performed my tubal reversal in 2003. He and his staff are wonderful. The care I received while at the Center and even after, to this very day, has been great. My first tubal-reversal baby, Logan, was born ,December, 1, 2005. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing! Carol S. Texas

  • we searched high and low for the best doctor to give us a chance to have a baby. We came across Dr Berger and were impressed with his credentials. He thinks of his patients as more than just money in his pocket he cares and so does his entire staff. I would recommend them to anyone!

  • I had my Tubal Reversal on 3/23/2007 and on April 20th I tested positive! Dr. Berger and his staff exceed the maximum when it comes to giving their patients the BEST! I am so happy with the outcome of my surgery. I Thank God that I found Dr. Berger because now I am able to give the Man of my dreams a son or daughter!! Thank you Martha B. Miami Florida

  • An excellent doctor that knows what he's doing and does it with passion to see women gain their possibility of conceiving again.

  • Dr. Berger and his staff are the greatest! Very kind, considerate and professional!

  • I loved Dr. Berger and his staff! Finally I had a Dr. that listened and really cared!!! Their follow ups and constant avail. to me is 24/7 even today four months after my surgrey.I only wish more Dr.'s and staff were like Dr. Berger and his staff.

  • He is a very kind and understanding doctor. We traveled from NY to have him perform our surgery. His facility is kept very clean and the staff were all professional and eager to listen to our concerns. I wouldn't hestitate to travel to NC to have him perform another TR.

  • We had our tubal reversal done in August, 2005. We are now 11 weeks pregnant and due in January. Dr. Berger and his staff did a wonderful job - not only was it successful but they treated us amazingly well.

  • He is doing God's work in restoring women's fertility and enabling them to once again have children after making the wrong decision to have their tubes tied... he spends his time giving life, it can't get much better than that!

  • I loved Dr. Berger & his staff they were on top of everything. I checked alot of other Dr.'s out before I made my choice. I loved the care given, the information & their willingness to give you the best care availible.

  • Wonderful, attentive doctor who cares for his patients as if they were his family. Best doctor I have ever known. Genius in his field. He even answers emails personally. My Tubal Reversal was successful and now I can give my husband a child of his very own! Thank you Dr. Berger for giving me back my body!

  • After extensive research, I chose Dr. Berger to perform my Tubal Reversal. Dr. Berger and his staff were kind and genuine as well as skilled. I was made to feel at ease from the moment I set foot in his office. Dr. Berger took all the time necessary to talk with my husband and myself regarding the surgery, outcomes and possible risks. My surgery was at 7:30 a.m. and I was back and recovering, feeling well, by 10:30 a.m. My recovery time was minimal and his staff continued to check on me even after arriving at home. I am able to keep in contact with Dr. Berger and his staff 24/7 through his website and message board as well as communicate with other women to compare and for support. My TR was successful and I am happy to say that after only two cycles I became pregnant and am now 23 weeks along! I thank God every day for giving Dr. Berger the skill and caring to specialize in tubal reversal and for bringing me to him!

  • He is absolutely the best. Because of him I have a beautiful 1 year old!

  • Dr took care of me before during and after surgery. Staff was excellent. Highly recommend for their bedside manner and for their knowledge of procedure being successfully done.

  • Dr. B is the most caring, helpful and all around great doctor. I went to him scared and felt so relaxed and comfortable once I met him and the staff. I trusted in him to make things right for me again and he gave me back my woman hood of being able to one day maybe carrying another child. I highly recommend him to anyone that is preparing to go down this road.

  • This is the BEST DR. out there period!! Everything about him and his staff are top notch.Christie

  • Dr. Gary Berger developed the technique of outpatient tubal ligation reversal. He has the most experience with this procedure of any reproductive surgeon worldwide, having performed over 6000 tubal reversals. During the past 29 years, he has introduced a variety of improved techniques that simplify the operation, minimize pain, and speed recovery from tubal reversal surgery.

  • Did my TR in 2/02. I have not conceived but the surgery did cure my Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome and give me my quality of life back. I have contacted Dr. Berger several times since the surgery and he and/or his nurse have returned my calls the same day and offered their expertise and advice. The whole TR experience from start to finish was VERY professional and caring and I don't regret the surgery even though I haven't conceived.

  • Dr. Berger did my tubal reversal surgery in 2001. We've had 3 babies since then and are currently pg with our 4th. He returned my calls at 3 am when I had concerns after surgery. I send everyone I know who wants this surgery done to him.
  • Monday, June 18, 2007

    Financing for Tubal Reversal Surgery

    The all-inclusive cost or fee for tubal reversal performed by Dr. Berger is $5900 when payment is made in full within 24 hours after scheduling your surgery. This is a $1000 reduction from the standard fee. Some insurance companies may cover part of the cost of tubal ligation reversal.

    Both the standard and reduced cost are all-inclusive and cover:
    -Preoperative record review and consultation
    -Dr. Berger's surgical fee
    -Anesthesiologist's and nurse anesthetist's fees
    -Surgical supplies
    -Operating facility fees
    -Postoperative pain medication and antibiotics
    -Follow-up care.

    The reduced fee of $5900 is a one time offer. If you cancel your procedure for any reason and reschedule at a later date, the standard fee of $6900 will apply. If you start a Pre-payment plan with us you are still eligible for the reduced fee. When you have $5900 in your account you may then schedule your surgery date at the lower price.
    Pre-payment plan offers option for long-term financing
    Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center offers a Pre-Payment Plan option for patients preferring to make long-term payment arrangements on procedures.With the Pre-Payment Plan option, patients can pre-pay the surgical fee without interest prior to the surgery date. To utilize this option, a non-refundable $250.00 processing fee is mailed to us at: Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, 109 Conner Drive, Suite 2200, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. At that point, an account is opened in your name and payments of any amount greater than $10.00 can be made as you are able. You do not have to wait until the balance is paid to schedule surgery. However, the balance is due at least three weeks prior to the scheduled surgery date. If you wait to schedule your surgery date until you have reached $5,900.00 in your pre-payment account, you can schedule for this reduced fee. When mailing in payments, please fill out our pre-payment form to send with your payment.

    Source: www.tubal-reversal.net/tubal_reversal_pre_payment.htm

    Friday, June 15, 2007

    Making Tubal Reversal Comfortable For The Patient

    The Best Surgical And Anesthetic Techniques Traditionally, tubal reversal surgery is a major operation with several days of recovery in a hospital. This is due to surgical techniques that result in post-operative pain and disability.

    Postoperative pain after abdominal surgery is due primarily to injury to the muscles and other tissues that occurs when using standard surgical techniques. For example, abdominal retractors (metal instruments that pull back on the skin and muscles to provide wide exposure for viewing the pelvic organs) cause reduced blood flow to tissues during the entire time they are being held apart by the retractors.

    In my experience with over 6000 outpatient tubal reversals, the operation is best performed using no retractors at all, just the surgeon's fingers which are the gentlest of all instruments.

    Traditionally, surgical packs (large gauze pads) are placed into the abdomen to push the intestines away from the pelvic organs. These are unnecessary in most cases.

    Most surgeons don't think about how to minimize the pain of surgery. They just prescribe strong pain killers afterwards that make the patient sleepy and often unable to move take care of themselves. Since the traditional approach results in hospital care, this doesn't seem to be a problem (from the surgeon's point of view).

    By injecting a local anesthetic in all areas where surgery is performed (including the skin), patients can awake in comfort and be alert since they won't need repeated doses of narcotic medications.

    These are some of the methods that I use that make tubal reversal comfortable as outpatient surgery. Making the surgery comfortable avoids the need for hospital care and reduces the cost to the patient.

    Outpatient Anesthesia at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

    Friday, May 18, 2007

    Tubal Reversal Doctor Nominated As A Great Family-Building Professional

    Patients who chose Dr. Gary Berger as their tubal reversal doctor have nominated him for the INCIID Family-Building Professional Award. INCIID is a non-profit organization that helps couples exploring their family-building options. Because of his dedication to his patients and to the field of tubal reversal surgery, Dr. Berger has been nominated for this award by his patients and staff.

    Posted by 6luvbugs (Member # 7752) on April 21, 2007 07:24 AM: Hello I just nominated Dr. Berger, what a deserving man and staff .. hope with all the ladies out there we can get the most votes Bari in Florida
    Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) on April 21, 2007 10:42 AM: I just nominated Dr. Berger too.What a wonderful man he is-Lots of Love,Becki
    Posted by amberfb (Member # 10785) on April 21, 2007 11:12 AM: HEY....i just nominated Dr.B, hope this helps...
    Posted by angelsbaby629 (Member # 1996) on April 21, 2007 11:39 AM: How could you not do this for them???? Mine is done and sent, good luck dr. B!can anyone nominate him???? I have a BIG Family!!!!! Jess
    Posted by KPJ (Member # 7043) on April 21, 2007 12:08 PM: I got mine in! I keep track of INCIID and definitely have put in my nomination! Wishing you luck and BLESSING, Dr. Berger!Kattie J
    Posted by kwilson (Member # 9288) on April 21, 2007 12:10 PM: Got my nomination in! Dr Berger definitely deserves this! He is amazing!Kristie
    Posted by jarz (Member # 9286) on April 21, 2007 12:54 PM: Absolutely done! with pleasure.Jo
    Posted by DMZ (Member # 7451) on April 21, 2007 01:15 PM: Done! Hope he wins! Dancy
    Posted by Annjeana (Member # 10632) on April 21, 2007 01:49 PM: GO Dr. B [Smile] I sure hope he wins.
    Posted by kjohnson208 (Member # 9216) on April 21, 2007 02:49 PM: Done!!
    Posted by mary1974 (Member # 10660) on April 21, 2007 02:52 PM: I just voted, and
    Posted my comments about Dr. B too!YOU GO DR. BERGER!!![Kiss]
    Posted by robintim (Member # 5448) on April 21, 2007 04:54 PM: I just filed it out and I hope he wins it because he the THE BEST!!
    Posted by Crecia (Member # 6023) on April 21, 2007 07:02 PM: I got my vote in and it's all for Dr. Berger he is such a great doctor.You Go Dr. BergerCrecia
    Posted by Renee Steele (Member # 7604) on April 21, 2007 07:06 PM: Just filled mine out! Go Dr. B!
    Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) on April 21, 2007 07:53 PM: Wow! I was taken by surprise by the post that our Webmaster put on the board this morning. I appreciate each of your kind messages and efforts on my behalf. Thank you all!!! [Smile]
    Posted by Tanya from VA (Member # 9507) on April 21, 2007 08:55 PM: Done! WTG Dr. Berger!!!Tanya TR 9-7-06
    Posted by jamilah (Member # 8731) on April 21, 2007 09:02 PM: Just filled mine out good luck Dr. BergerJAMILAH
    Posted by USMCMP Wife (Member # 9691) on April 21, 2007 09:07 PM: I too did the survey. My vote is in and way to go Dr. B!!!...Rodger, Heidi and RJEDD 6/13/07If Induced 5/31/07[Love] [Smile]
    Posted by CarmencitaR (Member # 5931) on April 21, 2007 09:33 PM: WTG Dr. Berger!!!Carmencita
    Posted by mommyb53 (Member # 10427) on April 21, 2007 09:53 PM: Dr. B got my vote too.. thank you and good luck.
    Posted by jami (Member # 9521) on April 21, 2007 10:07 PM: i got mine in! he's the best doc in the world!!!jami - lexington, nctr 5-19-06tr baby girl ella born 2-21-07 (9 months and 2 days later!)
    Posted by sherinjay (Member # 10276) on April 21, 2007 10:28 PM: I was wondering if we should do this even if we have yet to have our TR? I hope this isn't a silly question?Sheri
    Posted by CDG44 (Member # 5396) on April 21, 2007 10:35 PM: Dr. berger totally deserves this,I put in my vote.Chris'04 TR Patient
    Posted by dedit (Member # 10640) on April 21, 2007 11:37 PM: I am in ..I voted and would love to 100 times more ..I truly cant thank you enough for Kayla and Abby ... THANK YOU Dr. Berger WE LOVE YOU!Stacie
    Posted by duffygirl35 (Member # 10236) on April 22, 2007 12:12 AM: You've got my vote!!1TR oct 5th 2006 Positive preg. test Jan 27, 2007Due Date Oct 5 2007.Best decision I ever made. Wonderful Experience Phenominal Dr.Thank You so much! Susan
    Posted by LOVE & LUCK (Member # 9504) on April 22, 2007 03:45 AM: I too voted. I hope it makes a difference.
    Posted by Emmie (Member # 10376) on April 22, 2007 10:14 AM: Just added my vote too!
    Posted by BirthdayBaker Judy (Member # 10176) on April 22, 2007 12:49 PM: Cast my vote for Dr. B. and forwarded it to my DH so he can vote, too. Thanks Dr. B for my success. LOL to all those still waiting upon the Lord to Bless you.Judy
    Posted by georgia_peach01 (Member # 6521) on April 22, 2007 01:35 PM: I just put in my vote and comments. Good luck Dr. B. you deserve it. You and your staff are GREAT!!Annette
    Posted by apicolet (Member # 10776) on April 22, 2007 02:47 PM: cast my vote
    Posted by jeannie (Member # 8333) on April 22, 2007 05:43 PM: I just filled out the form. I sure hope you win Dr. Berger and staff...You all are wonderful.
    Posted by Peach (Member # 6668) on April 23, 2007 09:22 AM: All set. Been nominated!!! I feel better now! Good luck Dr Berger
    Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) on April 23, 2007 10:17 AM: Just put in my nomination.... and it still doesn't feel like enough for everything he does!Chrissy
    Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) on April 23, 2007 10:21 AM: Sheri- (and all you other "ladies in waiting" out there!)I cast my vote even though I didn't have my TR, yet.... I think that is the greatest testament to his services.... he treats all of us the same... whether we have physically walked through his doors or not!Cast your vote if you haven't!
    Posted by PA-Grl (Member # 10954) on April 23, 2007 01:05 PM: My votes in....Thanks Dr. B and staff, you are truly amazing.TR 1/30/07
    Posted by Sandra Coleman (Member # 7823) on April 23, 2007 01:27 PM: I have voted! I truly believe Dr Berger and his staff go beyond the call of duty. No one is more deserving of this award than Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center and Dr. Berger.Sandra [Kiss]
    Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) on April 23, 2007 02:29 PM: Dr. Berger and his staff get my vote too!!Veronica
    Posted by Marty (Member # 10659) on April 23, 2007 02:39 PM: They got my vote also. Got TR on 3/23-07 and 4/20 BFP he HAS to be the BEST!
    Posted by Carol Ann Sellers (Member # 6801) on April 23, 2007 04:07 PM: GO DR. BERGER!! [Smile]Here is my nomination:On ,June 10, 2003, I had a tubal ligation reversal performed by Dr. Berger. After much research, I decided that reversal surgery would be my best option in trying to conceive another child. There were many doctors to choose from, and even one that was located four hours from my home. But I was most impressed with Dr. Berger and his staff. He and his staff are very informative and his website is filled with much information that helps to educate patients and potential patients about reversal surgery. I chose to fly from Texas to North Carolina to have my surgery performed by Dr. Berger, and have since then referred him to many friends. My family and I are very grateful for Dr. Berger, because without him our family would not have been blessed with a new addition, Rodney "Logan" Sellers, Jr. I believe that Dr. Berger is worthy of "double" honor!Carol Sellers, Baytown, TX
    Posted by andsasha (Member # 9659) on April 23, 2007 05:45 PM: What a great honor to comment how him and his staff has changed many lives. We are all here for support! [Big Grin]Go get'em Dr and Staff [Love]Pauleen
    Posted by Luckypj's (Member # 9974) on April 23, 2007 06:21 PM: He's got my vote!
    Posted by sherinjay (Member # 10276) on April 23, 2007 08:34 PM: I also sent mine in tooo. Congrats Sherilyn N Jeremy
    Posted by Joy04 (Member # 10194) on April 23, 2007 09:42 PM: Just nominated Dr Berger too!!He deserves this honor and is staff they are just awesome!!! [Kiss]
    Posted by DayBreen (Member # 7613) on April 24, 2007 12:01 AM: Anyone who has walked into the office at CHTRC could not possibly deny that Dr. Berger is by far the most caring, concerned, compassionate and attentive surgeon out there! He has my nomination and a quite lengthy letter full of reasons why - ranging from before we chose him officially to the incredible manner in which he and his office have proven how much they care and are willing to help us even years after surgery our surgery is over.Good luck to you Dr. Berger! This honor should definitely be yours!
    Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) on April 24, 2007 07:33 AM: Dear Friends,Thank you for your continuing messages on this thread. I already feel honored by your compliments and expressions of support, regardless of what comes of this with INCIID. [Smile]
    Posted by KPJ (Member # 7043) on April 24, 2007 09:32 AM: Dr. B, are you going to need help getting your head through the door? ROTFLMBO! I know I would... it has to make your heart swell to hear so many singing your praises and to know you've fulfilled so many people's dreams of having/expanding their families! And you know, it has even more far-reaching affects. Do you realize how many children are going to be in the world that are wanted, loved, encouraged and brought up in loving environments? That has even more far-reaching affects than you can imagine, because the more children that come into the world to parents who don't take them for granted, the better the world is because the better the people are that are in it!Continued BlessingsKattie
    Posted by mamato7 (Member # 10498) on April 25, 2007 07:55 AM: I just voted for Dr. Berger, now they need to do one for his nurses, wouldnt that be great?....Jessie
    Posted by sivad71098 (Member # 10816) on April 25, 2007 08:53 AM: Add my vote to the list - just completed the form.Gwen DavisTR 4/05/07
    Posted by Brandon, ST (Member # 9908) on April 25, 2007 12:26 PM: All of this support for Dr.Berger is wonderful thank you all so very much. I know we all feel grateful just to be apart of this process and reading these posts makes it all the more fruitful.Great thanks,Brandon, ST
    Posted by Jamie Moss (Member # 9553) on April 26, 2007 08:35 AM: just added mine!! good luck Dr. B!
    Posted by Julia Smith, RN (Member # 10) on April 26, 2007 04:57 PM: Thank you everyone! As Brandon wrote, we all think Dr. Berger is a very deserving nominee. But it means a lot to have the acknowledgement of our patients, too.Julia Smith RN
    Posted by Tina54729 (Member # 6640) on April 26, 2007 05:41 PM: Just added my vote, even though I have not had my TR!
    Posted by angelsbaby629 (Member # 1996) on April 27, 2007 11:43 AM: ok, one question, when do we find out who was nominated? ( I sure hope one of you post that Dr.B's the one) but when do we get the results????Jess
    Posted by TR Moderator (Member # 5545) on April 27, 2007 04:35 PM: The results will not be announced until November, so hopefully others will join in and send votes as well as keeping this topic live as long as possible. The entire staff at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center thanks all of you for your support! We think this would be a very nice recognition for the work Dr. Berger does day in and day out, year after year, to help couples to build their families.
    Posted by Jennifer K.Garza (Member # 8951) on April 27, 2007 04:47 PM: I also voted i cant wait to see the outcome.Thanks Dr.Berger We Love You.. [Kiss]
    Posted by sparks8366 (Member # 10195) on April 28, 2007 03:23 PM: I dont see how to vote?
    Posted by Annjeana (Member # 10632) on April 28, 2007 03:30 PM: CLICK ON THIS LINK and it will take you right to the page.
    Posted by De-Rod (Member # 10967) on April 28, 2007 04:01 PM: I just voted for the best specialist in the world. That's you Dr. Berger.
    Posted by sparks8366 (Member # 10195) on April 28, 2007 09:03 PM: Thank you.
    Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) on April 29, 2007 03:58 PM: bumping [Big Grin]
    Posted by pslmommie (Member # 10687) on April 29, 2007 04:44 PM: Well I for one sure did just vote. and I will vote again every week until Novemeber bc I just found out Yesterday 4/28 that I have been blessed with my Berger Miracle. TR on 3/9/07 THANK YOU!!! [Smile]
    Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) on April 29, 2007 10:11 PM: can we vote more than once?
    Posted by sayviree (Member # 10825) on April 30, 2007 10:29 AM: I know that Dr. Berger deserves this recognition. Thanks so much for all you give to families everywhere Dr. Berger!TR 10/26/06R 5.5, L 6.5 (falope)Me: 40BFP 2/10/07 [baby]EDD 10/26/07
    Posted by Donnell (Member # 9137) on April 30, 2007 10:11 PM: Thank you so much Dr. Berger for giving me the opportunity to try again. I have not
    Posted on the boards lately, still having a hard time, however, I believe you deserve all of the thanks and gratitude. You are not only an amazing doctor, but a wonderful and caring person.Thanks!Donnell
    Posted by Ericka Pamplin (Member # 1953) on May 01, 2007 10:29 AM: I've added my vote! Dr. B. is the best!
    Posted by AR1977 (Member # 9246) on May 02, 2007 07:47 AM: My vote is definetly in....Dr.Berger is the best!Abby
    Posted by Lori RN (Member # 10610) on May 03, 2007 02:33 PM: It is wonderful as a staff member to see all of the positive comments written about Dr. Berger and the care that we give here. We have a very rewarding job with helping women realize the dream of becoming pregnant. It is still nice to be recognized for the expertise of Dr. Berger and the care we give.
    Posted by ChucksGirl (Member # 8875) on May 06, 2007 11:52 AM: I already knew Dr. Berger was the best! But reading these messages sure gives a person a feeling of confidence about their choice of tubal reversal doctors!!CG
    Posted by scblueeyes (Member # 10814) on May 06, 2007 12:55 PM: bump
    Posted by DawnMarie (Member # 9023) on May 06, 2007 07:39 PM: Sorry for taking too long...my vote is in!!! I sure hope Dr Berger gets what he deserve for his professionalism and down to earth personality. I truly love him and I'll be thankful the rest of my life for giving me the gift of getting pg again after fifteen years having my tubes tied. Eddie Jr is our little angel from above! [baby]Warm regards from the bottom of our hearts, Dr Berger,Dawn Marie, Eddie Sr. & EddieJr[Love] [Love]
    Posted by pam mills (Member # 617) on May 07, 2007 07:50 AM: Thanks to all of our wonderful message board members for voting for Dr Berger. We think he is certainly deserving of this award and we truly appreciate your help.Pam Mills, CRNA
    Posted by Kathy, ST (Member # 8285) on May 07, 2007 08:25 AM: It is so great to see all the nominations and praises for the work Dr. Berger does in the field of tubal reversal surgery. He is the expert and has helped so many women. He has my vote!Kathy
    Posted by Jo Ann01 (Member # 3764) on May 07, 2007 09:17 AM: Here is my 2 cents worth:Dr. Berger runs the most professional, patient-care oriented practice that I have ever had the pleasure to encounter. Every aspect of my experience with the clinic from the very first phone call I made to their office, to their sending me my Berger baby tee-shirt when my TR son arrived was with the utmost of care. The nurses call and email for follow up. If a patient has a question about TTC post-op, one can email a nurse or even Dr. Berger himself and receive an answer with hours. His commitment to his patients is simply amazing! He is not only a top notch surgeon, but a compassionate and passionate man. Please consider him for your award, as he embodies all you are trying to recognize and reward.Jo Ann
    Posted by Sally, RN (Member # 7389) on May 07, 2007 11:37 AM: Jo Ann--Thanks for your two cents worth. I believe your post "says it all". Again thank you for posting.Sally, RNCHSC
    Posted by Stephanie RN (Member # 460) on May 09, 2007 08:53 AM: I just wanted to thank everyone for their kinds words about Dr. Berger. It would be an honor for him to receive this recognition.Best wishes,Stephanie, RN
    Posted by Laura RN (Member # 1387) on May 11, 2007 08:49 AM: Thank you ladies for posting your kind comments! It is rewarding to see so many of our patients expressing positive comments about their experience with Dr. Berger and CHTRC. Those of us who work for Dr. Berger certainly feel he deserves this recognition!
    Posted by Eddie, ST (Member # 9769) on May 11, 2007 04:37 PM: Hello All,I can see why everyone has great things to say about Dr. G. Berger. Since I have been working at CHSC, I have enhanced my knowledge about GYN surgery, and all of this I owe to Dr. Berger. He not only is a very great surgeon, but the benchmark in his profession. No one is perfect in this profession, but I must admit his effort, and works has to come close. I have never been involve with someone who has such great standing with their patients. In my own words, a person should try to leave their mark on the world in some positive way, and he has given life to many who had no hope. I quote something I read in his office " Love is the greatest gift, but life is the greatest gift love can give." Dr. Berger Bravo, I could only work harder to achieve the things you have accomplished. Thanks to everyone for the nice word in regard to him, and I say yes, yes, yes he deserves to be nominated, and selected for this recognition. Without a doubt he is the best in this field. His caring,and dedication to what he is accomplishing not only shows in the outcome of his patients, but the satisfaction many people have when they come in contact with him. It is a pleasure working under him, and Thank You Dr. B. I wish you noting but greater success!E. L. Bell, ST
    Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on May 16, 2007 05:16 PM: Thank you all for the kind words about Dr. Berger. I can think of no other physician that would deserve this award more than Dr. Berger. The effort that he puts into patient care is remarkable. By reading the remarks that patients have made, one can see that he has touched so many lifes in such a positive way. He is a physician that treats each patient as an individual and not a number. He definately should be recognized not only for his acheivements but for his excellence in patient care. Rhonda

    Saturday, May 12, 2007

    Celebration of Mothers

    World's Most Cherished People - Mothers!

    To All Of Our Patients At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

    Mother's Day is a special occasion for reflecting on the meaning of motherhood and the hopes and dreams of all of the women who come to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. http://www.tubal-reversal.net/mothers-day.htm

    History of Mother's Day

    In the 1600's in England there was an annual observance called "Mothering Sunday." It was celebrated during Lent, on the fourth Sunday. On Mothering Sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers. It was traditional for them to bring a special "mothering" cake along to celebrate the occasion.

    In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace. Ms. Howe would hold organized Mother's Day meetings in Boston, Mass ever year.

    In 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. Ms. Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May. By the next year Mother's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

    Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessman, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother's Day. It was successful as by 1911 Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming Mother's Day as a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.

    While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium that also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.

    "Happy Mother's Day" means more

    Than have a happy day.

    Within those words lie lots of things

    We never get to say.

    It means I love you first of all,

    Then thanks for all you do.

    It means you mean a lot to me,

    And that I honor you.

    But most of all, I guess it means

    That I am thinking of

    Your happiness on this, your day,

    With pleasure and with love.

    Happy Mother's Day.

    Thank Dr. Berger for our wonderful little miracle.

    She's a very happy baby. How blessed am I?

    This wonderful blessing of life.

    "M" is for the million things she gave me,

    "O" means only that she's growing old,

    "T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

    "H" is for her heart of purest gold;

    "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

    "R" means right, and right she'll always be,

    Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"

    A word that means the world to me.

    Howard Johnson (c. 1915)

    "Of all the rights of women,
    the greatest is to be a mother."
    Lin Yutang

    "All that I am or ever hope to be,
    I owe to my angel Mother."
    Abraham Lincoln

    "You may have tangible wealth untold;
    Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
    Richer than I you can never be --
    I had a mother who read to me."
    Strickland Gillilan

    "The hand that rocks the cradle
    is the hand that rules the world."
    W. S. Ross

    "There is no velvet so soft as a mother's lap
    no rose as lovely as her smile, no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps."
    Archibald Thompson

    "God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers."
    Jewish Proverb

    My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.
    All I am I owe to my mother.
    I attribute all my success in life to the moral,
    intellectual and physical education I received from her."
    George Washington

    "By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off.
    They are the great vacationless class."
    Anne Morrow Lindbergh

    "The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom."
    Henry Ward Beecher

    "When a Father takes the child by the hand, he takes the Mother by the Heart."
    "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
    David O. McKay

    Honor your Father and Mother
    That it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.
    Ephesians 6:2-3

    A few of our "Berger Babies"
    I had my tubal reversal surgery in August '04 and two months later I was pregnant.We just love our baby so much and know without having my tubes reversed, he wouldn't be here.Here is a recent picture of our two reversal Berger babies.'OurMiracles do come true! We waited 2 years after tubal reversal for our angel.I would love to go on your testimony board and let the whole world know how wonderful you guys have been in my life.I tell everyone who will listen about the miracle you have allowed us to have in our lives.

    You did my tubal reversal April, 2001. Nathanael was born April, 2002.We had our tubal reversal on November 5, 2001 and became pregnant the next cycle.11 months since tubal reversal, and now I have a healthy baby girl.We are expecting our second post tubal reversal baby.It must be really something to have the work that you do day in and day out change the world one family at a time.She's a very happy baby. How blessed am I.A year to the day of my tubal reversal, our little Matthew arrived.

    We announce the arrival of our second tr baby.We have a little miracle - just 11 months after our tubal reversal.Less than a year after having my tubal reversal! I had a healthy 9 month pregnancy.My baby SOFIA VALENTINA born on February 14, 2003, She is truly an Angel.Thank Dr. Berger for making this possible for me and many other women.It has been only 2 and a half years since my tubal reversal, and we are blessed with a second tubal reversal baby.Many thanks to Dr.Berger and the entire staff for helping us in this journey.

    Our new tubalreversal baby.Each day I am so grateful to you and your staff for allowing me to be a mom again.To this day we know we picked the right Doctor to do this procedure.To this day we know we picked the right Doctor to do this procedure.My TR with just the left tube.From check-in to the post examine you all treated us with respect and a heart of gold.I had my tubal reversal less than 12 months ago and I now have a baby.

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    Had Tubal Reversal yesterday feeling ok!

    Posted by sockmonkey (Member # 10589) on
    May 05, 2007 11:10 AM: Tube lengths was a 4 Right and 7 Left

    Posted by KPJ (Member # 7043) on
    May 05, 2007 11:16 AM: Welcome to the other side! Congrats!Kattie J

    Posted by jarz (Member # 9286) on
    May 05, 2007 11:22 AM: Welcome!!! Congrats!!!!! Great lengths, now relax, recover. Sending babydust your way Jo

    Posted by BabyBird (Member # 10834) on
    May 05, 2007 12:03 PM: Sockmonkey: Congrats! I had TR Moday, R&L 5.5 cm. Take it easy even if you feel great. I have had a slower recovery and yesterday was the firsy day I was well enough to get up and move around a bit. Great lengths...good luck on your journey!Kim

    Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on
    May 05, 2007 01:18 PM: Dear sockmonkey,I am glad to hear that your surgery went well. I wish you a speedy recovery and many positives. Keep us posted.Rhonda

    Posted by Julia Smith, RN (Member # 10) on
    May 06, 2007 10:40 AM: Congratulations on your results. The majority of our patients return to work in 3 - 5 days and are able to return to the majority of their normal activities within 3 - 5 days. We will be in touch with you this weekend regarding your recovery, please let us know if you have questions or concerns. Julia Smith RN

    Saturday, April 28, 2007

    Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study Report 2007


    Results of the most recent and largest study of pregnancies and pregnancy outcomes after tubal reversal surgery are now available from the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study Report 2007. This is a prospective observational study of over 3000 women who had their tubal reversal procedures performed by Dr. Gary Berger during the 5 year period 2001-2005. The overall pregnancy rate after tubal reversal was 69%. Age at the time of reversal surgery was an important factor associated with pregnancies and their outcomes. Age-specific pregnancy rates were: 82% for women under 30, 76% for ages 30-34, 67% for ages 35-39, and 41% for women 40 years or older. Pregnancy outcomes were also associated with age. Younger women had lower miscarriages rates and higher birth rates than older women.

    This article provides highlights of the study - the complete report can be viewed here:


    Many people are unaware that tubal ligation - usually considered a permanent method of birth control - can be reversed through low cost, one hour outpatient surgery. Even many physicians believe that in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the only treatment option for women who want another baby after having a tubal ligation. Information is widely available about IVF pregnancy and birth rates in the United States from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Tubal reversal statistics, however, are more difficult to find, and in the past, they have been based on relatively small patient numbers. The recent report from the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study provides outcome data from a large patient population with follow-up from 1 to 5 years after surgery.

    Study Methodology

    There were 3,019 women who had tubal reversal procedures performed by Dr. Berger at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2005. They were followed up at regular intervals to determine the outcomes of their procedures. The 2007 report includes data through December 31, 2006, giving a minimum length of follow-up of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years. Some of the women reported more than one pregnancy during the study interval. All pregnancies and their outcomes were recorded in an electronic database and included in the data analysis.

    Patient Population

    The women’s ages ranged from 23 to 50, the average being 34 years old. They came from a wide geographic distribution in the United States as well as from other countries. This map gives an overview of the resident locations of the US patients.

    Figure 1. Resident Locations of US Patients

    Map shows where Dr. Berger's patients come from throughout the United States for their tubal reversal procedure by the most experienced tubal reversal doctor.

    The methods of tubal ligation among this group of women were ligation/resection (40%), coagulation (29%), ring/clip (22%) and fimbriectomy or unknown (9%).

    Tubal Reversal Techniques

    All tubal reversal operations were performed using outpatient mini-laparotomy surgical and anesthetic techniques that minimize tissue injury, blood loss, anesthesia time, postoperative pain, and recovery time. These techniques are shown and described by Dr. Berger in a video called Outpatient Tubal Reversal that has been broadcast on Discovery, The Learning Channel and the CBS Early Show. The tubal reversal procedures included microsurgical tubotubal anastomosis, ampullary salpingostomy, and tubouterine implantation.


    Pregnancy Rates by Age

    As expected, younger women had higher pregnancy rates than older women. The overall pregnancy rate was 69% and age-specific pregnancy rates ranged from 82% for women under 30 to 41% for women 40 years of age and older.

    Pregnancy Outcomes by Age

    Age also was associated significantly with the outcome of pregnancy. As age increased, the percentage of pregnancies resulting in births declined. This was a result of more frequent miscarriages with increasing age. Among women under age 35, over half of pregnancies resulted in birth while one third miscarried. The birth rate declined to 40% as the miscarriage rate increased to 45% for women ages 40 and older. Independent of age, the ectopic pregnancy rate was significantly higher (16%) than that found in the general population, which is approximately 2.5%. Whether tubal reversal results in an increased risk of miscarriage is unclear, but it seems unlikely since the miscarriage rate reported in the general population ranges from approximately 20% to 40%, depending on a woman's age and the extent of early pregnancy testing.

    Pregnancy Rates by Age and Tubal Ligation Method

    Pregnancy rates taking into account both age and tubal ligation method are shown in Table 3. The highest pregnancy rate (87%) was reported by women age 29 or less who underwent reversal of a previous ring or clip method of sterilization. The lowest pregnancy rate (31%) was for women age 40 and older with either a fimbriectomy or unknown method of tubal ligation. Of the two variables, age is more predictive than tubal ligation method of the likelihood of becoming pregnant after reversal surgery.


    Ongoing patient contact is necessary to provide pregnancy and outcome statistics after tubal reversal surgery. At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, nurses enter information into an electronic patient database at the patient's registration, the surgical procedure, and all post-operative communications between patients and staff. Patients are contacted routinely at 6 and 12 month intervals after their tubal reversal procedure if they have not been in regular contact with the Center's staff. The comprehensive follow-up database at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is unique. To our knowledge, no other doctor or medical facility maintains such a long term, ongoing follow-up system to determine the outcomes of tubal reversal procedures. This approach to long term follow-up and data collection may serve as a model for other physicians or clinics to document the results of tubal reversal procedures.

    About The Author

    Dr. Gary Berger is a member of the Board of Directors of INCIID. He is a reproductive surgeon who limits his practice to tubal reparative surgery. Dr. Berger is the Medical Director of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center – the only facility that is exclusively for tubal reversal surgery.