Recently a new patient of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center had a bad case of the "nerves" and posted on the Message Board that she became concerned on her trip to Chapel Hill, North Carolina that everything she heard and read about Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith was too good to be true. Also, she wondered if she would even find such a place when she got here. Immediately the Message Board was deluged with testimonials about what a great place it was with the best fertility specialists and a friendly, caring and capable staff. The reputation of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal is stellar and your scrutiny is invited.
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 23, 2012 03:38 PM :
So I have been preparing and taking all the steps needed to schedule my surgery with
CHTRC however I can't help but feel nervous. I wonder if this place is to good to be true, will my payment be legit and safe will I be scammed out of thousands of dollars and never even have the surgery performed? I may just have cold feet and be looking for some reason to find a flaw (haven't found one as of yet). Does/has anyone else have/had these same concerns? I have been through every part of the website did a
BBB search and though I have found no flaws I can not help but wonder. Am I crazy? Just wondering....
Posted by krisbaby (Member # 16083) on January 23, 2012 04:30 PM :
I just had my
reversal surgery on Jan 16th and had a wonderful experience. All the staff are kind, caring, and genuine. My husband and I had checked out other places and never had any doubt that we were going to the right place. The staff at the hotel were very kind as well as the shuttle driver and the cab drivers. Overall our experience was wonderful and we are glad we chose CHTRC!!!
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 23, 2012 04:58 PM :
Thank you! I looked at other places as well and this place has been my number one from the start. I think its just nerves lol we have been going up and down with this for about two years and came close once to getting it done but lost the financial backing to do so. Now we have everything set in place and are really excited to go!
Posted by Lisa&Aaron (Member # 15648) on January 23, 2012 04:59 PM :
Every time I look at my 2 little girls, it STILL feels too good to be true, although I have to tell you that SIX poopy diapers in less than 2 hrs this morning brings me back to reality (my youngest is 9 days old/breast fed and poops TONS). You are in the BEST hands at CHTRC!!!! You cannot go wrong, I promise. There will be a lot of ladies commenting on your post, trust me
Posted by WendyH (Member # 15408) on January 23, 2012 05:13 PM :
Yep, sounds like nerves talking...but you cannot go wrong with CH. Their site is LOADED with legit info, and the reported pregnancies/births speak volumes. The
testimonials are straight and true, and everyone from the hotel to the TR center is positively outstanding. I count on Dr. B's input still to this day, almost a year post-surgery. He is my 1st, 2nd and 3rd opinion in dealing with TR and OB issues...I'll take his word over my own OB's.
Just do it!!
Posted by twinkletoes (Member # 15897) on January 23, 2012 05:27 PM :
I had my
TR a month ago. I can tell you that you are in good hands with CHTRC. The staff is wonderful and I know that everything will work out. I loved my experience and have no regrets. Good Luck to you!
Posted by Camellia-mom (Member # 15316) on January 23, 2012 05:35 PM :
Chapel hill Tubal Reversal Center is a professional legitimate place. I had a great experience. They come to the hotel and check on you the next day. In my case the pain meds made me itch really bad so they got me a different prescription. They even call to check your progress. Dr Berger will also answer any questions after the surgery (even months, years later).
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 23, 2012 05:48 PM :
Thank you ladies! You have all made me smile and are easing my nerves quite a bit I really appreciate it.
Posted by dolphinfoxx (Member # 15467) on January 23, 2012 06:50 PM :
QueenMommy, I felt the same nerves as you did. I looked up the BB, tried looking for any type of scams being reported on CH or the doctors and found nothing. I thought the same things as you and actually heard it from my ob/gyn too. He tried telling me my
essure reversal would never mount to me getting pregnant (after I had it done). I just had my reversal July 19th and got my BFP on Nov 22nd (we had to wait a full cycle to ttc so we got pregnant within 3 months of trying).
I had an AMAZING experience at CHTRC. The staff, nurses, Dr. Monteith, and the hotel too were all so great. You really are in the best hands possible.
When my ob/gyn saw that the baby was in the uterus and had a heartbeat, he was speechless. He couldn't believe it. Let me tell you I LOVED seeing the look on his stunned face. I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant and everything is going great.
I hope your nerves go away and you can have the tr that you desire. You really won't be disappointed with CHTRC. Good luck to you!
Posted by saber (Member # 15576) on January 24, 2012 07:20 AM :
we looked into tr for over a year and everytime, chapel hill popped up. we felt the same, is it a scam, or they gonna take our money and run?? just like dolphinfoxx, we checked with the BB and they were rated A+!!!!! that was it, we called, got everything together, made our payment and drove the 9hrs. We were like oh wow when we say the hotel, and the next day off to chtr center, everyone were angels!!! never ever been treated with such kindess b4 in a dr settin/hospital setting. met Dr M the day of surgery(had a monday surgery) and he was awsome!!! this was may of 2011. he worked wonders on my tl which were cut tied and burned cuz in aug of 2011 we got a bfp. ended in m/c in sept tho.( i was 36 at the time) but we kept tryin and today we are 8weeks and going strong!!! and i turned 37 3 days after the bfp. u cant go wrong, i know seeing and hearin is sometimes to good to be true, but not in this case, they are WONDERFUL!!!!!! good luck to you and ur tr journey!!!
Posted by Nina M, RN (Member # 15473) on January 24, 2012 08:16 AM :
QueenMommyof3....CHTRC has been in business for a long time. Dr. Berger developed outpatient TR surgery and has done over 10,000 of these procedures. We are legit and pride ourselves on not only helping numerous women with infertility, but also are proud of the outstanding patient care we provide every day.
Nina M, RN
Posted by NJgirlinWI (Member # 12872) on January 24, 2012 09:57 AM :
It is NERVES!! But you are smart enough to think of it early. It hit me on our way to NC from Wisconsin. We had been driving for hours with 4 kids and all of the sudden I thought, "what the heck are we doing?" I told my DH that it has to be fake and how could he let me send thousands of dollars to someone who is probably in Cancun now on our stupidity!!! Well I settled down, arrived in Chapel Hill, had my TR and had a healthy Berger Baby 10 months later. Good luck and enjoy the ride
Posted by QueenMommyof3 (Member # 13495) on January 24, 2012 10:19 AM :
WOW Thanks so much! You ladies have helped a lot, I am really looking forward to going now and getting the surgery done I am going to find a kind distraction for now to settle these nerves though lol
Posted by Nina M, RN (Member # 15473) on January 24, 2012 10:28 AM :
We look forward to meeting you soon! Please call us if you need any reassurance!
Nina M, RN
Posted by Babymama1 (Member # 15541) on January 24, 2012 12:23 PM :
I felt the same way! I was worried it was a scam. I had my tr may 26 2011. I'm not pg yet but I'm very happy I went through with it. I feel like a woman again. This is a great place with great doctors n nurses! Great experience. Good luck!
Posted by Stephanie D, RN (Member # 460) on January 24, 2012 02:54 PM :
Thank you ladies for all of your wonderful feedback! We do strive to make this easy for you and realize what a leap of faith it is to come from so far away to have surgery.
We will take excellent care of you!
Posted by waitinwithhope2012 (Member # 16049) on January 24, 2012 08:40 PM :
QueenMommy, I had my tubal reversal surgery on January 9, 2012 and I am so impressed with the friendly and caring staff that helped make things go so smoothly. I decided in December 2011 that I wanted to have this done. I looked up many different places but CHTRC caught my eye and that was it for me! I scheduled my surgery the end of December and my husband and I flew out from good ol California and I could never be happier now! Dr. B was so kind and optimistic! I can't wait to get my BFP someday soon! Just go for it!! You won't be disappointed!
Posted by frawgymama (Member # 14653) on January 25, 2012 12:37 AM :
I have already recommended this place to people where I'm from:) My husband and I looked into our options for well over a year and kept coming back to CHTRC. Then realized my oldest sister in law had a reversal done there as well and was successful. I did a lot of research and reading and everything kept bringing me back here and I'm soooo glad it did!! I had my TR July 2010 and have nothing but good things to say about this place:) I met Dr. Monteith the day of my surgery but was immediately impressed. The nurses were so non judgemental, supportive, knowledgeable, and very nice.
We have since then gotten on BFP but sadly it ended in an ectopic pregnancy last week. My left tube burst and had to be removed but we are left with the right tube and will try again. I continue to say that any "health" issues I'm having have NOTHING to do with CHTRC. You will not regret going there! We had an amazing experience, the city is beautiful, the hotel is gorgeous and staff is wonderful:) Good luck, I wish nothing but early success!!!