Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center RSS News Feed
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center provides news feeds that are updated daily regarding the newest information and message board topics about surgery to reverse tubal ligation. Dr. Berger and Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Tubal reversal by Dr. Berger offers the most experience, exceptional care, low cost, and on-going support.
Press Release - Tubal Reversal Study 2005. Comprehensive report presents data and statistics regarding pregnancies and their outcomes among 2692 women who had their tubal reversals performed by Dr. Berger between 2001 and 2004. This is the largest and most definitive study in existence on the outcome of tubal reversal surgery.
Press Release - Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Releases 500th Baby Testimonial. Patient reports second pregnancy following tubal ligation reversal surgery by Dr. Gary S. Berger.
The Operation – Discovery Channel production featuring the outpatient surgical techniques of Gary S. Berger, M.D. - a pioneer in tubal ligation reversal surgery. Originally aired as part of the series, “The Operation”, the film has also been featured on “The CBS Early Morning Show”. "The Operation" provides detailed information and live footage as Dr. Berger restores fertility after tubal ligation through a comfortable and affordable one-hour outpatient procedure. Available free as a videotape or DVD.
Conceive Magazine – It seemed like a good idea at the time…but if you have been surgically sterilized and you'd now like to be pregnant again, here's what you need to know. Conceive Magazine article, "Changing Your Mind" features Gary S. Berger, M.D. and Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.
M.D.News Magazine– The article, "Outpatient Tubal Ligation Reversal - Fertility Restored Through One Hour Outpatient Surgery” features Gary S. Berger, M.D., Medical Director of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.
The Couple’s Guide to Fertility - Dr. Gary S. Berger and Dr. Marc Goldstein —specialists in male and female reproductive treatment — thoroughly examine the causes of infertility, the tests you may undergo, and the state-of-the-art treatments that can help you to have a baby, including tubal reversal surgery. Now in its third edition.
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