Tubal Ligation Reversal

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Discount on Surgery To Untie Fallopian Tubes

 Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is offering a 10% discount for those scheduling surgery before January 1, 2011.

Women who wish to schedule surgery to have their tubes untied can now receive an additional 10% discount on top of the the already discounted all-inclusive cost for tubal reversal surgery performed by Dr. Berger $5900 and $54000 for surgery performed by Dr. Monteith. For a limited time only, Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has announced a special 10% off coupon on Google Maps. For women looking to have their tubal ligation reversed in 2010, this coupon will allow them to save 10% off of their reversal surgery fee. Call (919) 968-4656 for more details about this special discount.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is offering a 10% discount on the tubal reversal procedure if scheduling before January 1, 2011. Julia Smith Nurse administrator says Often women and couples will inquire when the discounted rate will be so that they are able to save on the expense.

Tubal ligation reversal does not have to be so expensive that the average couple cannot afford to have
fertility restored. Many who research the procedure are shocked in the variations in price between surgeons and centers.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is able to offer this outpatient procedure at the lowest of cost all throughout the year. This is because this unique Center performs only tubal ligation reversal surgery and the repair of blocked fallopian tubes.

The Center performs surgery four days a week. Staff to patient ratio is kept high so that the patent is well taken care of. CHTRC makes it known that patient care and safety is the top priority.

Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith not only perform the ligation reversals that are more common but also the Essure as well as Adiana reversal. This has been a blessing to those women who are having physical discomfort and do not want a full hysterectomy.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center offers a variety of payment arrangements, including a pre-payment plan, for women who come to have their tubes untied by Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith. Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith are well-known as the doctors with the most experience in repairing tied tubes. Their low-cost, one-hour operation has resulted in the birth of the most tubal reversal babies worldwide.

Over 8000 couples have traveled to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to have fertility restored and their tubes untied with the tubal ligation reversal procedure. The surgeons have a 98% repair rate and 2/3 of patients are pregnant within the first 12 months.The nurses and doctors of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center make it simple for women wanting tubal ligation reversals.

Women who are interested in having another baby after a tubal ligation should have their tubal ligation operative reports sent to Dr. Berger or Dr. Monteith for review. At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, the tubal reversal doctors and nurses will contact patients within 24-48 hours of receiving these medical records. Even if someone is unable get a copy of their tubal ligation operative record, they can still schedule ligation reversal surgery. They can choose to have a diagnostic laparoscopy to make sure the tubes are reversible or they can rely on the fact the tubal reversal specialists are able to repair the fallopian tubes in over 98% of patients.

To inquire if you are a candidate for tubal reversal surgery, call a Tubal Reversal Nurse for a free telephone consultation at 919-968-4656.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

How to conceive after tubal ligation?

Deciding to have children is a big step just as the decision not to have them also is.  Most times women will take precautions to prevent further pregnancies- including tubal ligation, which is when the fallopian tube is cut to prevent an egg from becoming fertilized. This is generally the most popular method and is considered to be a permanent form of female sterilization.

So, what happens when a woman changes her mind and decides she wants another child?  The first question they want to know is how to conceive after tubal ligation?

Even though this is meant to be a permanent procedure it doesn't mean that the future is set in stone. In fact, a woman can opt to have it reversed. It is a procedure called tubal ligation reversal and it has proven to have a high success rate. The doctor usually performs them in the office in less than an hour.  

Many women choose to have this procedure when they have changed their mind about more children, or if it has been changed for them. Sometimes this decision is their own doing and sometimes it is strictly based on life circumstances. Divorce, death and remarriage of a spouse or something as simple as just changing their mind can all lead to making this monumental choice.

If you decide to go this route there are a few things that you should know about the procedure.  First of all, it is usually not covered by insurance which makes you responsible for the entire bill. Some insurance companies may cover a portion or the doctor’s office may have a payment plan of some kind. The good news is that without complications the recovery time is quick and as the months progress your chances of becoming pregnant should continue to improve.

There is another option, but it does not reverse the ligation. It is called an IVF, or in vitro fertilization. Here, a fertilized egg is placed in the woman's uterus. But it is not the preferred choice for the following reasons.  The procedure is quite expensive and must be done for each cycle where a woman wants to try to get pregnant.  If it doesn't take, which is common, then she must start over. That means more money each time she tries.  

Source: www.tubal-reversal.net

June 21st 2010 (ezinearticles) How to Conceive After Tubal Ligation - What a Woman Must Know

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tubal surgery for blocked fallopian tubes

With the invention of in vitro fertilization many years ago, some doctors are no longer performing tubal surgery on a regular basis. In fact, doctors are being trained and taught to do IVF but not getting information on how to do to tubal surgery. For women who have blocked fallopian tubes, this type of surgery can often be the only way that they can get pregnant. Because IVF is an expensive procedure that has a lower success rate than tubal surgery, women have a limit as to how many times they can attempt pregnancy with it.

However, tubal surgery provides a permanent fix for the problem of blocked fallopian tubes. This means that women can pay to have the surgery one time and continue to try to get pregnant each and every month. The cost of tubal surgery is considerably less than IVF also on average. Unless there are problems with scarring or adhesions after tubal surgery, women should continue to have open tubes and the ability to get pregnant.

This, of course, assumes that the woman and her doctor find the cause of her blockage and treat it so it will cause no further blockage. Since most often it is caused by a disease, and a sexually transmitted disease at that, taking care of the cause is usually done with a full antibiotic treatment.

Then, too, a woman needs to find a doctor who is experienced and knows what he is doing with regards to the surgical alternative. As training in this field is not a top priority these days, it is important to be selective in your choice.

If both of the fallopian tubes are blocked, the only way that a woman will get pregnant is either with IVF or tubal surgery. Finding a good doctor who understands and does tubal surgery on a regular basis is important because they can assess your particular situation to see if you would be a good candidate for the surgery.

For women who have blocked fallopian tubes, tubal surgery is a great option due to its relatively inexpensive price and its long-term potential to allow the woman to get pregnant. Blocked fallopian tubes do not always get symptoms, so if a woman is experiencing infertility for no known reason then she should see her doctor to have the situation assessed. The cause needs to be determined so that it can be treated appropriately and so there are no further episodes.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tubal Ligation Side Effects

Are you suffering from tubal ligation side effects? Of course, first off you would have to have had your tubes tied for this to be the cause of what is happening to you. As we can assume you wouldn't be questioning these things being side effects of tubal ligation if you hadn't had your tubes tied, then we can proceed with the knowledge that you did indeed have a tubal.
So what are these side effects you may be suffering from? While many women complain of much heavier bleeding, severe cramping, fatigue, loss of libido and hot flashes, these are not the only symptoms you may suffer. So just because yours doesn't fall in that list doesn't mean it's not one of the side effects of tubal ligation.

If you have gone to your doctor complaining and questioning your symptoms and that they may be related to having your tubes tied, you might have been met with skepticism. You might be told that your body is just getting older or these problems are a result of the stress in your busy life. Many women have been told flat out that there are no side effects to tubal ligation and that they need to seek counseling or take medications for depression.

However, there are the doctors who believe that the side effects of tubal ligation are really nothing more than what happens because a woman has gone off the birth control pill. Maybe that's the case for some of the women. The pill has been regulating their hormones, they get their tubes tied, and go off birth control pills only to no longer have it regulating their hormones which causes some changes to their bodies.

The problem with that assumption is the many, many women who suffer from tubal ligation side effects and had a tubal at or right after the birth of their last child. On the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center message board, you can find case after case of this. This means going off birth control pills is not the cause of their tubal ligation syndrome.

Birth control pills can be the answer to these symptoms for some women. One woman's doctor finally prescribed the pill for her and told her that most women end up on birth control after their tubal in order to regulate their hormones. But that's not the only alternative.
The other alternative is having a hysterectomy. One source says that women who have had a tubal are over 3 times as likely to end up with a hysterectomy later on. Even then, you will suffer some other effects taking this course such as going through menopausal symptoms.

A last alternative is a ligation reversal. If you should choose this course, you will want to find a doctor or facility where ligation reversal is all that is done. After all, if you have cancer you want a cancer specialist taking care of you, not one who splits his time and knowledge into other fields.
The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center even did a small population study on the results for women undergoing ligation reversal to counteract their tubal ligation side effects. In that study, there was a 90% success rate for relieving the symptoms of post tubal ligation syndrome. If you want to relieve yours, you should highly consider seeking out these doctors and having them do your ligation reversal.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has a free online forum to discuss PTLS, join the conversation today on the Tubal Reversal Message Board

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chances of Getting Pregnant After Tubal Ligation Reversal

When a woman wants to have a baby, she can have the most emotional and gut wrenching feelings in her heart day after day. However, when a woman has had her tubes tied and then realizes that she made a big mistake, the overwhelming sense of guilt and anguish can be too much to bear. She may have changed her mind due to a life change such as the loss of another child or even a new marriage. No matter what the reason, her primary goal becomes how to improve her chances of getting pregnant after having a tubal ligation.

She might go to her gynecologist who would possibly give her incorrect information that the only way she could get pregnant is by having an in vitro fertilization. Anyone who has ever checked into IVF knows that it's extremely expensive and it does not have an overly high success rate. In fact, women who have experienced infertility and have done IVF treatments will often tell you that they spent their life savings doing these treatments month after month. Some women are successful and end up having children. However, there are many others who spent tens of thousands of dollars only to end up with no baby.

It should be good news for women who have had a tubal ligation to know that there is a procedure called a tubal ligation reversal. This procedure is similar to a man's vasectomy reversal as the tubes are reattached so that in an egg can move down the fallopian tubes. Although they are not always successful, nothing is. However, once a woman has a tubal ligation reversal procedure, she has the ability to get pregnant each month which is unlike IVF. With IVF, a woman would only have the chance to get pregnant at the time she has the procedure. Once that month has passed, unless she wants to pay more money, her chances of getting pregnant are eliminated.

During a recent 8 year study conducted by the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, it was found that the pregnancy rate after having tubal reversal was much higher than that of IVF in every age group. Because a woman can get pregnant month after month once having had a reversal, the chances of getting pregnant continue to increase over time. Therefore, the chances of getting pregnant with a tubal ligation reversal surgery are much higher and more stable than those of IVF. If a woman wants to continue trying to have a child, it would be best for her to invest her money in having a tubal reversal surgery rather than repeated IVF unless there is some other medical reason why her doctor thinks she should do so.