Tubal Ligation Reversal How Long Before Pregnancy
This is topic How Long Before Pregnancy after TR? in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Women who chose Dr. Gary Berger as their tubal reversal doctor discuss how quickly they became pregnant after tubal reversal surgery at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Many of the patients that have already posted a response received their first positive pregnancy test within 3 months of their tubal reversal surgery.One patient posted that within 34 months of her tubal reversal surgery with Dr. Berger she had already given birth to two tubal reversal babies and is currently 6 months pregnant with her third tubal reversal baby! This is very encouraging to patients still planning their tubal reversal.
Posted by ChucksGirl (Member # 8875) on January 26, 2008 06:06 PM:
After tubal ligation reversal how long before pregnancy? I am interested to hear any and all reports about this.
Posted by PaulnJenn (Member # 10984) on January 26, 2008 06:19 PM:
Hey Chucksgirl-
It really doesn't take long for some. I had my TR 11/19/07 and my first BFP on 12/30/07. Unfortunately, it ended on 01/14/08. BUT that was pretty quick for me and I am happy with knowing that it can happen.
I hope the more successful stories will chime in because there are quite a few!
Posted by Michelle39 (Member # 11154) on January 26, 2008 07:29 PM:
Hi Chucksgirl, I had my tr 3/12/07 & 1st bfp 6/13/07 ended on 6/29/07 e/p. 2nd bfp 8/25/07 ended mc. 2nd hsg on 1/08/08 showed right tube wide opened & on 1/25/08 I just tested w/fact plus & it's a BFP I'm thrilled & I'm going on monday to get my 1st hcg num.'s I just hope that they double & this one is a keeper!!! Did you get your tr yet? If you did when? Best of Luck and baby dust to all..Michelle
Posted by motherof2 (Member # 8207) on January 26, 2008 07:31 PM:
It took me 1yr & 4 months.
BFP- 1/4/08
EDD- 9/11/08
TR- 8/22/06
R- 7.0
L- 7.5
Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on January 26, 2008 07:37 PM:
TR 7/23/07
3cm each side
BFP 9/12/07 (first cycle)
E/P 9/25/07
BFP 11/30/07
M/C 12/8/07
Currently TTC, hoping 3x a charm!!
Berta: 38
Posted by USMCMP Wife (Member # 9691) on January 26, 2008 07:56 PM:
Well the 1st time I got my 1st BFP was 2 months after my TR which was on May 2, 2006. I of course mc but then 2 months after that I got a BFP again w/twins and well we lost one of the twins in the beginning of the pg it observobed but on June 1, 2007 we had a healthy happy boy RJ who is now 7 months old and almost 24lbs. Also I am 41 years old I had him 2 days before my 41st bday.
Heidi & RJ
Posted by rkandlm (Member # 6776) on January 26, 2008 09:06 PM:
This is about me
Me 32
DH 42
DD 14
DS 11
DD 8
DS 2 (1st TR baby)
EDD 3-30-08 w/ TR baby #2
TL 9-99
TR 11-04
I got PG with 1st TR baby 1.5 months after TR.
I got PG with 2nd TR and we had only BD 1 time that month! (really busy month! HAHA)
That's our story!
[Love] Lisa
EDD 3-30-08 with
TR baby #2....It's a girl!
Posted by momto10 (Member # 11808) on January 26, 2008 09:13 PM:
Lisa, I love your story. It gives me hope. I just had my TR on the 17th and I am afraid to BD all this week. I am due to O on Tuesday. I'm afraid that it would raise the chances of tubal pregnancy, if my tubes were still swollen..
Posted by khadija (Member # 7447) on January 26, 2008 09:57 PM:
It is different for many people. As for me it did not take long. I had my TR march 31 05 and TR#1 was born the same year in Dec. We got PG again right away with Tr #2 and he was born 13 months after the 1st one. I am now Pg with TR # 3 and she is due in May so if you add it up I had my TR 34 months ago and I have 2 babies and 6 months PG with # 3, so it does work. Wishing you the best. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Posted by Theboysmomma (Member # 11342) on January 26, 2008 11:44 PM:
I had my TR done 11/21/07 and got pregnant the first time DH and i were together after surgery. Needless to say, we weren't quite trying yet, it just happened. That pregnancy ended 12/31/07 in emergency surgery as an ovarian ectopic. We are currently trying again.
TL- 3/1/02
TR- 11/21/07
OVARIAN E\P- 12/31/07
Posted by momto10 (Member # 11808) on January 27, 2008 09:10 AM:
khadija, Thanks for sharing. Congratualtions! I love how many TR babies you have. I hope mine goes as well. I will be waiting to conceive until next month.
Does anyone have a count on the most births to one woman following a TR?
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on January 27, 2008 09:39 AM:
TR 10-15-07
MC 11-20-07
EP 12-14-07 lost right tube.
We will be trying again after another complete cycle. So in March.
Dr. said after all the trauma of MC and EP I need to wait. My body seriously needs a good long break. He said if I got preg in that next month after the tube removal, it would be a guarantee it wouldn't go well. Anesthesia, pain meds it was all yucky stuff in my system, my organs being messed with repeatedly....
As you can see I was pregnant 2 weeks after TR.
IF I had to do it all again I would wait at very least a full complete 30 days to TTC and NOT after my 1st period. My first AF was 1 week after TR.
I would wait just to make sure the healing had been complete. The surgery is rough on the body. I still think if I would've waited things would've turned out better. I was kind of shocked to be BFP so fast. I was still weak and healing. It just wasn't good for me at all. Basically we cut the stitches and BAM I was BFP.
My personal recommendation is to wait until you feel 100% healed, not good enough or kind of healed... Gwen the tube swelling is a concern I had too.
A full month, not your first AF or even 2 can make a world of difference I think. By 2 months you should be perfect. It's just my opinion, we've been through hell so far TTC. I don't want to repeat it. For me waiting is best.
I hate waiting, but I want to be sure everything is PERFECT in there!!
I think Miss Khadija is the most I've heard of with 3!!! You go girl!!! [Smile]
I can't wait to be BFP again. Sigh... our wait time is going fast so it's ok. [Smile]
1 month down, Feb to go. Then try in March!
Everybody is different, I guess it's go with how you feel and how your body reacts to surgeries and trauma like that during your whole life.
My body likes to take it's sweet time so I'm listening to it.
Posted by Terra (Member # 7122) on January 27, 2008 10:20 AM:
This is about me
Me 36
DH 37
DS 13
DS 12
DS 5
TR 1/7/05
DD TR baby 2(today!)
We are all done now. DH has had a vasectomy. We decided 4 C-sections was enough. Best of luck in your journey!
Posted by debjim (Member # 8607) on January 27, 2008 10:42 AM:
I had my TR on 3/1/06 Last Af was in 7/06 and I got my BFP in Aug/06. My daughter is 9 months old.
Posted by nursejones72 (Member # 11878) on January 27, 2008 12:38 PM:
My name is Tessa and I was reading your post. You conceived twice without any complications and I think that is wonderful and I hope that is how it works for me. What are your tube lengths? I just had my TR on the 24th, do you think it is too soon to BD? My AF ended yesterday, so in about 6 days I will be ovulating. I am a little unsure if I should wait till after another AF or not. My DH says whatever I want to do, he is ready whenever I am ready. What do you suggest? I understand that the pregnancy outcomes are different for each. Thanks
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) on January 27, 2008 01:40 PM:
First pregnancies after tubal reversal have occurred within weeks up to as long as 4 years. I believe that the most children reported to us so far after tubal reversal is four, but there are many women who have had two or three children since their reversals. In my next analysis of the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study for 2008, I will take a closer look at this and include information in the report in answer to the question about "tubal ligation reversal how long before pregnancy".
Posted by Annjeana (Member # 10632) on January 27, 2008 01:52 PM:
Well it only took me about 6 weeks [Smile] I never even had a period after my TR. I was on AF durning TR and I have very long cycles So to my surprise on CD 68 and 8 DPO I got my BFP and now have a sweet little girl that is 5 weeks old.. I could not beleive that I got PG on my first cycle, it has not even been a year sense my TR and I already have a baby [Smile] Dr. Berger is AWESOME!
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) on January 27, 2008 03:07 PM:
The question that stimulated this message board discussion was an excellent one. The information about how long it takes to become pregnant after tubal reversal and how many babies patients have had after the reversal can be found by following the links to Pregnancy and Birth Testimonials and the New Pregnancies reports. There are thousands of individual pages of these, and it would take an enormous effort to go through all of these pages on our website. That is why I do a yearly statistical analysis of our patient database and prepare a Tubal Reversal Study Pregnancy Report.